Sunday, December 28, 2014

Air Asia's First

The missing aircraft: Airbus A320-200 Reg. No.: PK-AXC
“‘AirAsia’ confirmed in a statement that an Airbus 320-200, Flt. No: QZ8501, lost contact with air traffic control while flying over the Java Sea from Surabaya, Indonesia to Singapore at 7:24 a.m. [this morning: Sunday 28th December, 2014] local time — a little more than an hour before it was scheduled to land at 8:30 a.m.”

Indonesian Search and Rescue statement says contact with Flt: QZ8501 was lost near Belitung Island.

Monsoon Season Thunderstorms in the area this morning
One source was quoted as saying that there were only ‘light winds in the area’ but the weather map tells a different story.

The Captain, a man of great experience, contacted Air Traffic and requested an increase in Flight Level (altitude) due to extreme weather.
No further contact was made.

Those are the facts as we know them right now.

There will, no doubt, be alternative theories.
One has already begun to bubble to the surface in that the aircraft was brought down by Zionist sympathisers who fear the rise of Islam in both Indonesia and Malaysia.
In spite of their paranoia there is no greater rise in Islamic militancy in the region than there was in 1946 when the Zionist terrorists, under Menachim Begin (subsequently Prime Minister of Israel - twice), introduced bombing of soft civil targets as part of their arsenal of terror tactics.
This will not stop conspiracy theorists from developing ideas along those lines.
King David Hotel after Irgoun

Much has already been made, even in these early hours, of the poor track record that Indonesia has in aviation maintenance and safety.
This is jumping the gun. No facts are yet known.

As with Flt No.: MH370, we do not know. The answer is, undeniably, ‘out there’ somewhere but it is not yet ours to know. It will not be unless the ‘black boxes’ are found.

QZ8501 vanished this morning with 162 souls on board. We pray that they are alive and clinging to life rafts on the ocean.

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Time is of the Essence

“My Name Is A Number” has been published. It is now available on Amazon kindle store at the special, Christmas, price of 99cents (77p in UK).
The price will undoubtedly increase in January to reflect the fact that this is not a short story but a fully-fledged novel.

Curiously, having been caught up in the excitement of writing “MNIAN” (as we like to call it) I kept the momentum going and wrote two sequels.
These are currently known as ‘MNIAN 2’ and, wait for it, ‘MNIAN 3’! 'Imaginative,' you might be thinking.
These are just working titles because it is by no means certain that these stories will ever see the light of day.
The original ‘MNIAN’ was intended as a ‘stand-alone’ story. It really doesn’t need sequels and, in any case, either both sequels are published or none at all.

Besides, the publisher has other stories to sort out and send to the editor first. There are still some ‘Ruthermore Heidigens’ stories to go as well as ‘Four’s a Crowd’ and ‘Five’s the End’.
This is without the second major novel of the “Adepts: Book Two – Empath”.

Still, they are written. We shall see what happens to them in the future, no doubt.
In the meantime there is work to be done on Book Three of the Adepts, the next ‘Ruthermore Heidigens’ and ‘Deep Space Squadron’ needs wrapping up with, at least, one more chapter—possibly two.
There is pressure from other places to complete the graphics for ‘A Simple Guide To Understanding Jet Engines – Systems’ but there is no room on my desk. I need a bigger desk and a faster keyboard!
Anybody like drawing cartoons?

Now you will see why I need to tender my apologies for being remiss in up-dating this ‘Blog’. So much writing to do. So much time needed in a World where time is just not available.

Thank you for your patience. I shall try to do better in future.

Seasonal Greetings

There is, you may observe, a dichotomy at work.

We are in the process of exchanging seasonal greetings with our friends and colleagues who are Christians or, at least, Westerners, perhaps.
I added the rider because it seems to me that not everybody who celebrates the festivities of Christmas is a Christian.
We have expounded upon the proliferations of greed and excess previously on this ‘Blog’ so it is not that towards which my fingers, figuratively, point at this time.
The seasonal variation to which I address this comment has more to do with the weather.

Down south in the countries that are more adjacent to Antarctica the weather in December is warm. Perhaps hot. The people who live in Perth, Western Australia, will inform you that their summertime temperatures are in the mid-thirties centigrade. Scotland, on the other hand, is quite often recording temperatures in the minus numbers in December.
Calgary, Canada, meanwhile will experience swings of twenty-three degrees Celsius in July and August that will plummet to the minus thirteen in December and January.
[Note that these are average figures and do not allow for seasonal temporary variations.]
Here, in the tropical paradise of Malaysia where I live, the temperature varies from a mean of thirty-two degrees in December to a high of thirty-four in March.
Of course, there are variations here and there. We sometimes get really hot days when it can reach thirty-seven and cold days when the temperature drops to a finger numbing thirty.
The point is that we live in a perpetual summertime. The trees are always green. The grass never stops growing. There is always fruit of some sort to be had. We are without seasons.
Well, we are without obvious seasons and yet there are seasonal variations in the fruit available. The vegetation has seasons that we humans are oblivious to experiencing.
Possibly monkeys know about the seasons since their migrations past my window vary in time and animal density from month to month.
In the Antipodes and the northern countries there are increasingly evident seasons.
You, in Europe and America, get winters and summers that are separated by autumns and springs.
You get variations in tree growths, leaf colours and flower blooms. Your fruit depends on the weather and the time of year. Most of your fruit ripens in autumn so you are dependant on storage facilities to eat fruit at other times. Hence you have preserves and pickles.

This brings me back to the initial point of this writing.
People, who are born and brought up in tropical climates—like Malaysia, seem to yearn for seasons. They like, for example, to be cold!
Very odd, that.
Many ex-patriates like the even temperatures of the tropics.
And yet.
When I ask ex-patriates what it is that they miss about their home country they will tell you that they miss seasons.
They miss walking through the woods, kicking piles of leaves; they miss the beach in summer and the bare trees of winter. They miss the new, fresh buds and flowers of spring that heralds a new season of regrowth.
When they get home they miss the warmth of the tropics. 
Especially when they go out in the winter and Jack Frost nips at the fingers and their breath freezes in the air.

Winter always looks so nice in photographs.
Long may it stay there.

“Two ice cubes in my drink, please, waiter. Thank you.”