Monday, November 20, 2017

Energy Flow

A lady who read my story ‘Crater’ from ‘Amazon’ commented to me that she could not understand why the aliens were able to build physical ships and devices when they had no physical form themselves.
Let me explain this.

In the first place this is a work of fiction. Science fiction, it is true, but fiction nonetheless. But, since it is science fiction then one must reasonably assume that the facts within the story have at least some scientific background. So…

In the beginning these aliens had physical form. They existed in a similar state to that which we have now. Their appearance is irrelevant and not pertinent to the story.
Over time they found that, with practice they were able to use their mental energy to control things rather in the manner in which we use a remote control on a television set now.

Eventually they were able to construct machines that built machines and devices. All of these machines were controllable by the power of their brains.
Perhaps it became inevitable that once their bodies had no further use they would be discarded in their path of evolution.
They discovered that it was easy to make things larger now that they had no recourse to physical manipulation—if they wanted bigger they just made a bigger machine to build that new bigger thing.
The only problem they had was that they had run out of raw materials.
They scoured other planets for minerals and rare earths. Space travel was easy since time meant nothing. Their energy could last forever as long as they could ‘top-up’ occasionally with energy sapped from sentient life form on other planets.
Ultimately, they were running out of fuel for their ships, especially the vast mother ships.
To solve this they built harvesters that razed everything biological on every planet they visited in order to reduce it to fuel; minerals were also harvested until every planet in their course was reduced to a hollowed out, dry, lifeless shell. The raiders were there to protect the harvester vessels.
Then they visited Earth…

In similar vein we have the ‘Adepts’ who also appear at the end of a story called ‘Rittach’, available from ‘Amazon’, of course.
These ‘Adepts’ manipulate energy. They do this to achieve their own ends in terms of prolonging life and the lives of those close to them.
Their source of energy is the emotions of other people or beings. The limitation is that they cannot take negative energy. Soaking up bad energy, hate, anger, jealousy, for example, is damaging, it will twist them into being evil people.
For this reason they can only take up ‘pure’ energy that is ‘clean’. They can absorb love, joy and happiness from people who have experienced that. That energy is now drifting away from that person, it is used, they have finished with it so the Adept can now latch on to an end of a tendril of energy and suck it up to be stored and used later.
In the same way, they cannot do harm to a living thing. They may only use this energy for good purposes or they will become twisted and dangerous.
Now that they cannot defend themselves from harm they have taken up with Payan girls who are warriors; they have no compunction in doing harm and, in fact, take great pleasure from it.
The Adepts maintain their girls to keep them in fighting shape by feeding them and restoring their bodies into a fit and healthy state.
Needless to say, they are able to give their girls pleasure from which emotion the Adepts feed to keep their energy reservoir filled up.

So what is the ‘scientific’ fact that is being used in both of these stories?
There is an almost Universal belief in what can be called ‘The Soul’. This is an energy that lives on after the body dies. It is a belief that is common to all religions Worldwide.
The soul is comprised of energy that, it is said, can be shown by using Kirlian imaging although that can also be said to be an image produced by an electrical charge that is passed through the object that is being photographed.

Certainly there is a source of energy within the body that can be tapped. We use energy to move our muscles and to drive our brains. The passage of energy around the brain has been mapped and shown to vary depending upon emotions, fatigue, age and defects within the brain itself.

There is another use of this energy that is more pertinent to the stories mentioned above.
In many cultures, particularly those from the East, there is a commonly held view that there is a flow of energy through the body. This energy is variously called names like ‘ki’ or ‘chi’ and is one of the forces that ‘drives’ ‘feng shui’.
Many problems are associated with this flow of energy being ‘out of balance’ and there are those who believe that they can restore that balance through applying their own energy to the ‘Chakras’ that exist in various parts of the body.

There is no magic here, no djinns or mystical apparitions. This is merely the transference of energy from one person to another for the purpose of doing good.
Note that this ‘doing good’ is vital here. The proponents of this practice believe that the presence of ill-will or doing harm will destroy the curative effect of this energy flow.
This idea of energy flow has been around for thousands of years and predates both Buddha and Jesus and yet it is often seen as some sort of Tibetan Buddhist thing – or, possibly, some kind of Ayurvedic Hindu practice but, in reality, nothing could be further from the truth; it was always a Universal belief.

And now it predates Earth by several billion years courtesy of aliens.