Sunday, April 10, 2011

Stephan Curry

Here is some work from a young man.  He is American - but we can forgive him that.  It is unedited, still in 'the rough', as it were.  Read it.  See what you think of a new generation of writers.

I'll tell you what I think at the end.

"Love is forgiveness, love is kind, love is the power to be a light in the darkness for those who are blind. Love will never stop loving you because there is no time, and it has no beginning or end.  Thus love is the greatest dividend among all who have the strength and will to let it in. No longer shall we be held down by hatred or fear, this is my goal, my promise, my oath, my everlasting will. Love is who I’ll become. Love is who I AM.

With this I promise I will change the world in a positive direction, with these hands, from this heart, through the temporary body within my infinite soul. Let our minds intertwine into the universal all-knowing source to reveal the highest principal of truth, that all there is, was, and ever will be, is love’s existence.  

Yet, our soul is not limited to our mortal shells as it is made of unlimited boundless energy and cannot be recreated or destroyed. The soul is not simply contained inside the body or mind but extends, therefore our body is truly within our soul not the other way around. Your soul contains your body fills an entire room, a whole floor, a building, and extends both externally and from within. It is as omnipresent as the creator for they are one and the same. Every person in the world every living being no matter what color or form (plant, animal, insect, micro-organisms, planets, and stars) every particle, every fiber of existence is an extension of yourself like a limb.

I will assist in building a nation of people free of hatred and fear, where we will all live as one united race, individualistic without division from social standards, background, color, or place. We must rise and persist towards life, a collation of happiness, and creation. Together we shall build the first civil, civilization.   

This vision of a better tomorrow that we will bring forth into our present is not of my own but the combined will and dreams from the hearts, souls, and minds of the collective consciousness as a whole.

We are the wielders of light in the darkness, the unlimited unsung heroes that have gone through life and death only to perpetuate a cycle that seemingly will never end. It is us the people who have been used time and time again stretching back more than a millennium for the selfish and greedy desires of a select few to no avail. It is us the people of the collective consciousness who are the majority and the meek who shall inherit this New Earth. It is us the people who hereby demand through both the collective subconscious and consciousness of the masses that the world and all of its natural resources, land, and property be rightfully returned to the world’s masses. Never again shall a minority rule or take dominion over and manipulate the majority for their own meaningless endeavors of profit. Let every state, every country, and every continent be self-governed in that governments hand over rights to the individualistic peoples of this planet to govern themselves and act accordingly to their own individualistic ideas and beliefs so that no one shall ever be limited or fall victim to boundaries set upon them by another, except that of self, thus forming a common unity of like-minded individuals undivided throughout. Should these endowed rights ever be provoked in any shape or form, it is the responsibility of the masses, to take action in the preservation of all. We the massively united collective consciousness shall no longer stand for a world filled with hypocrisy, corruption, greed, war, genocide, and the exploitation of all races, genders, social classes, religions, or hereby any and all other divisible factors created by man, in the realization and devotion to the universal truth that we are all equal individuals and we are all one."

By Stephan Curry, New York, USA.


It needs the punctuation brushing up and some of the words, and syntax, need sorting out.
Overall?  I am impressed.  From a young man this is art.  Written art.
That is why it is here.  On my ‘Blog’.  Because this is how men should write.  It is beautiful, it is poetic but it is not flowery and ‘twee’.
This is what I have been talking about in my previous ‘Blogs’.
Established and professional authors and writers take careful note.  The standard is being set higher than that to which you are accustomed.  Do not rest on your laurels or they really will be being worn in the wrong place.

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