Friday, July 1, 2011


Four stories from the mind of David S Leyman to suit all tastes:
‘The Hags of Teeb’ is a humorous novella underscoring the British form of xenophobia and the class system. Major Jassington Farquar DeTovington-Beauville, Duke of Scafell Pike and the fifth Baron Livesey, twenty-third in line heir to the throne of the Empire with his faithful family retainer, Gaspard, go into battle with the ‘Herds of Dollib’.  The result of this encounter will determine their ultimate fate; will they get the treasure or will they be doomed forever?

‘Meevo’, a novelette with a military flavour.  A dangerous mutant escapes from a high security prison in Molepolole, a windswept, icy and toxic wasteland where escapees can expect to die once they are clear of the confines of the prison.
A squad of the toughest space soldiers is sent south from their tropical headquarters in Liverpool to catch the mutant and either return it to its cell or kill it.
The soldiers are ill suited to a mission where the hunted will make you see what it wants you to see.

‘Crater’ is a, largely, military space opera focussing on a war of attrition between humans and an ancient race of beings who crashed one of their ships on Earth.
They want us, and everything on our planet for fuel, we would rather not allow this and go into battle to prevent our extermination at their hands.
They believe they are immortal but we have an advantage—we breed.  They may have the technology but we have numbers, a history of warfare and a will to survive.
This story spans millennia and the far reaches of space.  Who will prevail?  What is mankind’s ultimate fate?

‘Three’s Company’.  A romantic short story set somewhere ‘up there’ amongst other worlds on an unknown planet where an attachment is formed between a human and a rather feline human as a result of an expedition into the jungles of the north.
Years later a mystery develops when the human, Iffan Beute, leaves his home in the south to visit a dying friend in the northern part of their homeland.  All the ‘Northerners’ regard his companion as a ‘ghost’ and his friend, Metth Croym, is fixated on a painting that he cannot remember creating.

All of the stories are available on Kindle at:                  []                  []
[Also on]

All covers on ‘iqliptiq’ books are by ‘Hishgraphics’:

There are also some ‘free to read’ stories on the web site:
These are ‘in the rough’, mostly, straight from the head into the keyboard with no ‘post writing’ work done on them.  Except ‘Silicon Ballet’ that was an entry for a writing competition.

Have fun and enjoy; tell your friends and ask them to tell their friends.

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