Monday, September 17, 2012

Freedom of Speech - Some More Thoughts

A few ‘afterthoughts’ on the last ‘Blog’.

It comes to mind that we should include ‘YouTube’ in those culpable for the death of the American Ambassador. The administrators of this site know very well the reaction that is likely, inevitably, to occur as a result of showing this video. It was their responsibility to block it right away so that it would not be seen at all.
Have we forgotten already the furore that a Danish cartoonist created? That, too, was held up as ‘Free Speech’ and ‘Freedom of the Press’.

That these things are published at all shows a lack of sensitivity, of consideration to the beliefs of others. That these things do not bother the creators or the media in their beliefs is of no concern to them.
All down the line, from the making of these cartoons and videos to the publishing of them is a cavalier lack of respect that echoes through Western ‘civilisation’.

Let me give an example.

There are more guns per capita in Canada than there are in the United States.
Gun crime in Canada is almost non-existent except for people coming up into Canada from the south and some problems with immigrants occasionally.
It seems to those of us in the outside world that Americans will take a life at the drop of a hat and for as little reason.
Life has become valueless.
Is it traditional? Is it ancient custom from the days of the lawless West? Canada also had a lawless West.
Is it TV and the media where, in films and series there is an increasing body count; people are slaughtered casually – in passing?
This sense of irresponsibility lends itself to a desire for more sensory input.
Americans are jaded; their thirst for bigger and better has destroyed their sense of judgement.
Or is there a deeper, more sinister plot? One involving the Zionists and the Illuminati? A movement to stir up trouble, perhaps, where it is easy to stir things up.

Should the Islamic World have reacted as it did? Maybe not. Maybe a peaceful, but pointed protest might work although it has not done so to date.
I doubt that you would appreciate me doing bad things to your wife or mother. Gross indecency on such a scale would be, rightly, punished severely.
Gross indecency to people of other faiths is, then, acceptable?

No. It is not. It is reprehensible and the culprits must be punished. The makers of the video and ‘YouTube’ should both be held liable and culpable for inciting riot and causing an illegal death of an innocent person.

Anything less will not satisfy the Islamic World and should not satisfy the family and friends of the American Ambassador.

1 comment:

  1. The terrible trouble is that the Islamic radicals have only ONE punishment and that is death to the miscreant. For a religion that professes "peace" it surely has a lot of death on its hands, as do other "peaceful" religions I might add.
