Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Viva la Différence

Men and women are different.
This will become visually apparent at every step in our lives although, truth to tell, I have had the occasional difficulty in determining which is which over the years.
Aside from the fact that women are, by and large, shapely and pretty it is equally certain that men are... well... not. At least, they are not to another man; I have no other viewpoint.

It is not only the graphic image that is different it is the psyche.
Men and women are different in their heads.
Feminists can argue all that they wish about their form of equality that means, in effect, that women are more equal than men. It is a communist ideal. They can argue, with all the vehemence that they can muster, that women are treated as sex objects, as chattels and that the media stereotypes are subjecting them to a second-class place in society.


Well, that may be true, in part. But the fact remains that men and women are different. Undeniably.
You will observe that I use the word ‘different’ and not ‘superior’ or ‘better’.
Women are equal to men and always have been. The response that often occurs is because there are weak men who feel threatened by women or men who are unattractive to women feeling ‘left out’. These men are the sort that will attempt to subjugate women; strong men will not do this.

It is entirely possible that, prior to written records or tales passed on from father to son, women and men were regarded as equal.
There is no reason to believe otherwise; indeed it is entirely possible that the human race as a species would not have survived and developed if women and men were not regarded as equal in primitive times.
But equal does not mean ‘the same’.
Millions of years ago*, when we first roamed the Earth, we began a process of mental and physical evolution that has culminated in our present state of being.
That process was based almost entirely upon survival. It is the same process that squirrels and wart hogs are undergoing even now.
Men and women had different functions. Men were to protect the tribe or village – the collective group, as well as go out hunting for meat to bring to the table (figuratively speaking, of course). This mindset requires a male to see the big picture; he needs to focus on what he is hunting as well as look for danger to himself from something that is hunting him.
Women would be in the cave/hut looking after the children and chewing skins. Their focus was on detail. The kind of detail that would need their attention all day every day.
Even now, it is women who are preferred in factories where close attention to fine detail is required for sustained periods; men cannot do it. A man’s mindset is different to a woman’s.

It is impossible to change the way that people have thought for millions of years* overnight.
We may believe ourselves to be frightfully civilised but we are not. Our minds still live in the wild where we have been for so very long. Agriculture, settled living in groups, is still new to us.
Men and women, even now, have different places in society. The advertising media, as well as the entertainment industry, have long recognised this and use it shamelessly.
Feminists can wring their hands and complain all they like but the fact remains that men and women are different.
Equal but different.

And that is why every man likes an adjustable wench.

*10,000 years if you are a Creationist.

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