Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Meevo and MNIAN

By now some of you will have read the story called ‘My Name Is A Number’ (MNIAN to those of us involved in its production).
Some of you will be aware that the story had its roots in a series of ‘Blogs’ that I used to describe the sequence of events that I assemble to make a story.
In the final ‘Blog’ where we put the (short) story to bed I said that this was only an example of how to do it; it will go no further than the bin.
On reflection my mind seethed with the possibilities of what might happen should the corporations do what they are already doing – but more openly.
The US government, as are many others, is already beholden to several corporations in the fields of pharmacy, armaments, oil, agriculture and agricultural chemicals to name a few.
It would only be a small step for those corporations to by-pass the governments entirely and take over the World to run as they see fit.
Then other possibilities opened up in my head. 
The corporate entities are only interested in profit and the shareholders. Everyone else is irrelevant other than as consumers; consumers will do as they are told through the medium of advertising.
Now that the corporations hold the reins at high levels the local authorities have succumbed to pressure and the lack of will from the corporate elements. The gangs have taken over. Bribery and corruption is no longer hidden, it is out in the open for all to see.
What, then, if the public became dissatisfied and wished to return to the pseudo-democracy that currently exists in most of the developed World?
They are powerless, of course. But the military has power. No money but they have well trained manpower. The corporations have money but no will to spend it on unnecessary off-shoots like soldiers.
Thus the seed is planted for a military coup in the historically ancient states of Europe. The corporations are overthrown and the military install martial law until true democracy can be put in place in the way that the military want it to be.
Local authorities are thorns in the side of the military. They are well armed but poorly trained. The battle is now on to regain the towns and cities from the bloodthirsty hoodlums that currently run the urban areas.
The answer, according to the military mind, is to face violence with more violence. They bring out a knife – you bring out a gun. They have a rifle? You have a .50 calibre machine gun. You want to hide in a house? The military have ‘Semtex’ and ‘C4’ – no more house.
What if one gang member is under threat from their own colleagues? They escape and are caught by the Army, interrogated and turned into a fighting machine to battle their old ‘friends’.
That is the concept of ‘MNIAN’ and the thought processes that reared up and hit me.

A similar process occurred with ‘Meevo’.
Rather along the lines of ‘what if’?
The planet is warming up. This is hardly deniable now, the evidence is far too strong. Only the hardiest of naysayers still hide under the illusion that everything is normal.
We are promoting the use of GMO crops. Some of these crops, along with the liberal usage of chemicals (pesticides, fungicide, et al), are killing bees and other ‘good’ bugs.
Plastics and sunblock chemicals are killing the ocean.
All we need now to trigger ‘the end’ is a major war.
What if: nuclear weapons are used. Chemical weapons and ‘dirty’ bombs – depleted uranium, are thrown into the melee.
The World will no longer be able to absorb the treatment it has been trying to resist for so long. Mother Nature gives up.
Climate changes drastically. There is no longer sufficient land for everyone to live. The Arctic and Antarctic extend further than ever before. Major storms rip through the equatorial regions. Much of the World that used to be temperate is now unliveable because of radiation and chemical contamination. Just small strips of land are inhabited.

In some of the more inhospitable regions there are mutants. They roam freely. Most of them are good but some are bad. One of them is evil. That one is called Meevo.
Why is Meevo evil? Because he makes you see what he wants you to see and then he sucks the life out of you.
How do you catch him?
That is the thread through this story.

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