Sunday, September 23, 2018


These are all the titles currently available, from me, on 'Amazon':

"A Simple Guide To Understanding Jet Engines*"


"My Name Is A Number"

"The Adepts: Furato"

"The Hags of Teeb"

"Three's Company"



Treat yourself.
From Amazon 

*E-book from Amazon - Print copy from publisher 
Print Copy


Those are all the titles currently available on Amazon but there are more to come: 
“A Simple Guide to Understanding Jet Engine Systems”
“Ruthermore Heidigens and The Fifth Planet”

“Ruthermore Heidigens and the Voices”

“Ruthermore Heidigens and the Nights at the Round Table”
“Ruthermore Heidigens and the Fires of Avalon”

“My Name Is A Number: Three Fingers”
“My Name Is A Number: Dark Lad”
“Four’s A Crowd”
“Five’s The End”
“The Adepts: Empath”

“The Adepts: Pitch Perfect”
“The Adepts: Despair”
“Deep Space Squadron”

An anthology of short stories, including:
“Slipping Minds


“Quasimodo’s Apprentice”

“A Cross-Stitch In Time”

“Life and Times of a Journey”


“Maryam and the Whirly Thing”


“Silicon Ballet”

“South From Alaska”

“Suit, Potbelly & Earlobes”
“The Anonymous Patient”
“The Defection of Kua”
“The Family Skunk”

“The Lightball”
“The Moral of the Russian Nobleman”

“The Tale of Herman Limpitt”

“The Visitor”
"The Chewed-Off Willy"

"Armageddon at the Speed of Light"

“When Fate is Sealed”
“Winston’s Puzzle”

It is a sad truth that, very often, the titles you see on the shelf are not the only output from an author. More often than not there are other stories that the author has written that are ‘invisible’.

You can help.
Apart from buying the stories you could write a review. It doesn’t have to be on ‘Amazon’ – it could be to your local newspaper saying that you have read this story called “Miss FitzRoy’s Wonderdog” by E. Trembling Ninnybother, and thoroughly enjoyed it.

Writing stories is hard work. We keep writing because we love doing it but most authors are only just making a living – others are not even doing that.

Please help us out; please help us all to become Neil Gaiman and JK Rowling!

It is in your hands.

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Prostate Problem?

A useful article / talk on Benign Prostate Hyperplasia (BPH) or in simple terms, Enlarged Prostate. Diet is the most important part of this talk which is something within our control; and it works. 




I am here to speak with you on Prostate. The topic is misleading. Is prostate strictly for men? Yes, ONLY men have prostate and ONLY men over 40 years but the healthcare enlightenment is for everyone. There is no woman who does not know a man 40 years and above, father, uncle, brother, son, friend, neighbour, colleague...

Essentially what I will be doing today is health promotion. Responsible health promotion must provide three things:

1. Information
2. Reassurance
3. A plan of action.

Let me start with a background on prostate health.

Everyone has a pair of kidneys. The job of the kidney is to remove waste. It is the LAWMA (waste management company) of your body. Everyday your blood passes through the kidney several times to be filtered. As the blood is filtered, urine is formed and stored in a temporary storage tank called the urinary bladder.

If there were to be no urinary bladder, as a man walks on the road, urine will be dropping.

Now think of the plumbing work in your house. Think of the urinary bladder as the overhead storage tank. From the storage tank, a good plumber will run pipes to other parts of the house, including the kitchen. God in His wisdom ran pipes from our urinary bladder to the tip of the penis. The pipe is called the urethra. Just below the bladder and surrounding the urethra is a little organ called the prostate gland.

The prostate gland is the size of a walnut and weighs about 20grams. Its job is to make the seminal fluid which is stored in the seminal vesicle. During sexual intercourse, seminal fluid comes down the urethra and mixes with the sperms produced in the testicles to form the semen. So semen technically is not sperm. It is sperm + seminal fluid. The seminal fluid lubricates the sperm.

After age 40, for reasons that may be hormonal, the prostate gland begins to enlarge. From 20 grams it may grow to almost 100 grams. As it enlarges, it squeezes the urethra and the man begins to notice changes in the way he urinates.

If you have a son under 10, if he has a little mischief like we all did at that age, when he comes out to urinate, he can target the ceiling and the jet will hit target. Call his father to do same, wahala dey. His urine stream is weak, cannot travel a long distance and sometimes may come straight down on his legs. So he may need to stand in awkward position to urinate.

Not many men will be worried their urine stream cannot hit the ceiling. Toilets are on the floor and not on the ceiling. But other symptoms begin to show.


The man begins to notice that after urinating and repacking, urine still drops on his pants. This is the reason why after an older man urinates, he has to ring bell. A younger man simply delivers to the last drop and walks away. Just see an older man coming from the bathroom. Sometimes he may clutch the newspaper closely to hide the urine stains, particularly on plain colored trousers.


At this point you wait longer for the urine flow to start. There are 2 valves that must open for you to urinate – the internal and external sphincters. Both open but because of obstructions in the urethra, you wait longer for the flow to start.


You have this feeling immediately after urinating that there is still something left.

As all these things happen, the bladder begins to work harder to compensate for the obstruction in the urethra. The frequency of urination goes up. Urgency sets in. Sometimes you have to practically run into the toilet. Nocturia also becomes common. You wake up more than 2 times at night to urinate. Your wife begins to complain.

Men being men may not talk to anyone even at this point. Then the more serious complications start.

Stored urine gets infected and there may be burning sensation when urinating.

Stored urine forms crystals. Crystals come together to form stone either in the bladder or in the kidney. Stones may block the urethra.

Chronic urinary retention sets in. The bladder stores more and more urine. The size of the bladder is 40 - 60cl. A bottle of coke is 50cl. As the bladder stores more urine it can enlarge up to 300cl. An overfilled bladder may leak and this leads to wetting / urinary incontinence. Also the volume may put pressure on the kidney and may lead to kidney damage.

What may likely bring the man to hospital is acute urinary retention. He wakes up one day and he is not able to pass urine.

Everything I have described above is associated with prostate enlargement, technically called benign prostate hyperplasia.

There are other diseases of the prostate like:

1. Prostatitis – inflammation of the prostate

2. Prostate cancer – cancer of the prostate.

This discussion is on prostate enlargement.

I have bad news and good news.

The bad news is that everyman will have prostate enlargement if he lives long enough.

The good news is that there are life style changes that can help the man after 40 to maintain optimum prostate health.


Look at what you eat. 33% of all cancers, according to the US National Cancer Institute is related to what we eat.
Red meat everyday triples your chances of prostate disease. Milk everyday doubles your risk. Not taking fruits / vegetables daily quadruples your risk.

Tomatoes are very good for men. If that is the only thing your wife can present in the evening, eat it with joy. It has loads of lycopene. Lycopene is the most potent natural antioxidant.
Foods that are rich in zinc are also good for men. We recommend pumpkin seeds (ugbogulu).
Zinc is about the most essential element for male sexuality and fertility.

Men need more zinc than women. Every time a man ejaculates he loses 15mg of zinc. Zinc is also important for alcohol metabolism. Your liver needs zinc to metabolize alcohol.


As men begin to have urinary symptoms associated with prostate enlargement, it is important they look at alcohol consumption. More fluid in means more fluid out. 

Drink less. Drink slowly.


Exercise helps build the muscle tone. Every man should exercise. Men over 40 should avoid high impact exercise like jogging. It puts pressure on the knees. Cycling is bad news for the prostate. We recommend brisk walking.

When we sit, two-third of our weight rests on the pelvic bones. Men who sit longer are more prone to prostate symptoms. Do not sit for long hours. Walk around as often as you can. Sit on comfortable chairs. We recommend a divided saddle chair if you must sit long hours.


Men should avoid tight underwear. It impacts circulation around the groin and heats it up a bit. While the physiological temperature is 37 degrees, the groin has an optimal temperature of about 33 degrees. Pant is a no - no for men. Wear boxers.  Wear breathable clothing.


Avoid smoking. It affects blood vessels and impact circulation around the groin.


Regular sex is good for the prostate.

Celibates are more pronenn to prostate illness. While celibacy is a moral decision, it is not a biological adaptation. Your prostate gland is designed to empty its contents regularly.

Thought: when someone shared something of value with you and benefit from it. You have a moral obligation to share it with others because someone in your friends list might be saved.
Forwarded as received💪 
The subject is very important Please post the message on the largest number of your acquaintances:

"Pieces of lemon in a glass of hot water can save you for the rest of your life," says Professor Chen Horin, chief executive of the Beijing Military Hospital.

Even if you are busy, you should look at this message and pass it on to others!

Hot lemons can kill cancer cells!

Cut the lemon into three pieces and place it in a cup, then pour hot water, it will become (alkaline water), drink it every day will certainly benefit everyone ..

Hot lemons can once again release an anti-cancer drug.

Hot lemon juice has an effect on cancerous tumors and

has shown treatment for all types of cancer.

Treatment with this extract will only destroy the malignant cells and will not affect healthy cells.

Second: The acids and mono-carboxylic acid in lemon juice can regulate hypertension and protect narrow arteries, adjust blood circulation and reduce blood clotting.

After reading, tell someone else and pass it on to someone you love and take care of your personal health.


Professor Chen Horin points out that anyone who has received this letter is at least guaranteed to save someone's life ... I have done my part, I hope you will help me to spread it too.

Monday, September 10, 2018

Art Appreciation

Around 30 years, or so, ago I was approached yet again by a well-meaning person who enquired if I should be so kind as to ‘dash off a quick cartoon for his Mum’s birthday’.
A friend of mine who was good at woodwork but who had only one arm – the other having been lost in a freak accident involving a dredger and the Bristol Channel, was often asked if he could whip up a quick seat (sic) in the boat that he had just bought.
People who are good at things tend to be asked to do ‘favours’. This means: “Do It For Free’!
My friend’s response was usually along the lines of, “Go down to ‘Dodgit Tyres’ and ask them for a free set of rubber because they are ‘good at it’! See what answer you get from them?”
Perhaps a polite request to ‘Apple’ for a new computer because they are ‘good at it’?

Souls such as my friend, sadly now deceased, and I are expected to cough up requests gratis on a regular basis.
Because people love what you do – until they have to pay for it.
It doesn’t matter if you write words or music or play an instrument or, perhaps you draw cartoons or paint. You may carve or make porcelain or ceramic figures but, for them, you will be only too happy to do it for free.
Someone will expect you to do it for them for free.

I have written several books. One of them is called ‘A Simple Guide To Understanding Jet Engines’.

Several people have asked if there are any free copies available. Some of them are ex-friends who think that I wrote it for fun and that it took only a few minutes to complete and, thus, am able to pass out copies liberally.
There is no understanding of the time taken to complete this work. There is no understanding of the years of experience both with engines and in teaching about engines that have gone into those pages. There is no comprehension of the cost of printing or cover design or editing or proof-reading…

My friend had years of experience and knowledge about woodworking – especially on boats. All that was irrelevant. 
‘Just a quick job…’
More recently a person asked me to do a complex job on a part-time basis also for free. He was under the impression that he was ‘giving me something to do’ and, therefore, doing me a favour. He was upset when I asked him how much he would pay me for this undertaking. 
This was followed up with a request for a few quick Saturday morning’s work with some apprentices…
I went to see his Boss, told him the situation. Boss asked how much I would charge. I told him and he signed off on it immediately – other fellow now very upset that I had gone behind his back AND to receive payment!

To go back to the beginning. 
The birthday card for Mum. I explained that it would be £10 for A4 and £5 for A5. More if he wanted colour since I am colour blind and would need to hire an assistant to help me with the colours.
“No need for all that trouble – just a quick cartoon…” he insisted.
Explaining that there is no such thing as a ‘quick cartoon’ I shrugged and walked off.
A couple of days later I gave him this:

He was upset.

It was free.

Sunday, September 2, 2018

MH370 – Again and Again!

So it goes on.

Now we have more fuel to feed the voracious appetites of the conspiracy theorists.

It seem that a ship, which has been hired by the Malaysian Government, to locate the wreckage of MH370 went ‘dark’ for eighty hours, or so.
By ‘going dark’ we mean that the vessel turned off its transponder for that amount of time and could not then be located electronically.

Where could it possibly have gone?
Was it whisked away by aliens? Was it electronically and remotely controlled to go to Diego Garcia – the American Base in the Indian Ocean?
Perhaps the crew were tired after a long and exhausting trip from the USA and merely wanted a few hours ‘me’ time to recuperate before resuming the search.

Occam’s Razor?

The notion has bubbled up that they have found a chest on the sea floor – smacks of lost treasure, does it not? They diverted their course to go and pick it up to take the untold wealth that it surely contains.

Let’s look at that for a moment.
The Southern Indian Ocean, particularly at its Eastern extreme, was hardly noted for pirate activity if, indeed, that is what they are suggesting. Further to that it should be noted that this idea of ‘Pirate Gold’ is something of an embellishment to the lore of piracy.
Most pirates, with a couple of exceptions, tended to steal food, water, clothing, weapons and ammunition since most vessels that were robbed in those days had little else of value.
The idea that pirates buried fabulous treasure is a false one. Only one pirate did that and his loot was spoken of by a colleague who then went and dug it up!
(‘Oak Island’ notwithstanding!)

What is in the chest? Who knows? Did they go and fetch it? Who knows?

The important part of this is that they were hired to find MH370 using new technology and have set about, we are told, doing just that.

We wish them well – and joy, in their search.

MH370 – Again!

Here we go 'round the Mulberry Bush, the Mulberry Bush, the Mulberry Bush...

How many times in the last few years have we said that we need to wait until there is concrete evidence before making decisions about the disappearance of Flight MH370?
We have said this to the point of extreme boredom and yet… still…

This is the full article that appeared in a locally (with offices in Sydney, Australia, and Bristol, UK) based newspaper on 30thAugust, 2018.
This is well over four years from the event that, apparently, claimed the lives of all those souls on board the aircraft.
The early claims from conspiracy theorists that the B777 had been spirited away to a remote Island in the Indian Ocean that contained an American air base now seem to be invalid. All those people would not be still held prisoner had that been the case.


In this article the notion that the control had been externally manipulated resurfaces.
One wonders why. What evidence or logic supports this idea?
If aircraft controls can be taken over by a ground operator with such consummate, it seems, ease, then the future of flying is in doubt.
I, for one and I am amongst millions of others in this thought, would be dead against nipping off on my holidays by air if I thought or one moment that my flight would be repositioned by someone on the ground with a computer.

The main thrust of this appears to be a condemnation of the Malaysian Government and their methods.
We shall never know what the RMAF (Royal Malaysian Air Force – Tentera DiRaja Udara Malaysia) saw or did on that fateful night but veracity of the civilian government of the time, under BN/UMNO, has recently ben called into question by the electorate of Malaysia.
Perhaps this is why a 'local' newspaper has chosen this moment to cast doubt upon the credibility of Malaysia and Malaysians – especially after Tun Dr. Mahathir has been to China and cancelled some mega-projects.
Is this article politically driven? It is entirely possible. Certainly we must doubt the research and sources suggested in it until we have something more substantial than the words of a bitter reporter.

‘Fake News’? Probably not. Mistaken news or biased reporting? More likely.