Sunday, September 2, 2018

MH370 – Again and Again!

So it goes on.

Now we have more fuel to feed the voracious appetites of the conspiracy theorists.

It seem that a ship, which has been hired by the Malaysian Government, to locate the wreckage of MH370 went ‘dark’ for eighty hours, or so.
By ‘going dark’ we mean that the vessel turned off its transponder for that amount of time and could not then be located electronically.

Where could it possibly have gone?
Was it whisked away by aliens? Was it electronically and remotely controlled to go to Diego Garcia – the American Base in the Indian Ocean?
Perhaps the crew were tired after a long and exhausting trip from the USA and merely wanted a few hours ‘me’ time to recuperate before resuming the search.

Occam’s Razor?

The notion has bubbled up that they have found a chest on the sea floor – smacks of lost treasure, does it not? They diverted their course to go and pick it up to take the untold wealth that it surely contains.

Let’s look at that for a moment.
The Southern Indian Ocean, particularly at its Eastern extreme, was hardly noted for pirate activity if, indeed, that is what they are suggesting. Further to that it should be noted that this idea of ‘Pirate Gold’ is something of an embellishment to the lore of piracy.
Most pirates, with a couple of exceptions, tended to steal food, water, clothing, weapons and ammunition since most vessels that were robbed in those days had little else of value.
The idea that pirates buried fabulous treasure is a false one. Only one pirate did that and his loot was spoken of by a colleague who then went and dug it up!
(‘Oak Island’ notwithstanding!)

What is in the chest? Who knows? Did they go and fetch it? Who knows?

The important part of this is that they were hired to find MH370 using new technology and have set about, we are told, doing just that.

We wish them well – and joy, in their search.

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