Sunday, September 2, 2018

MH370 – Again!

Here we go 'round the Mulberry Bush, the Mulberry Bush, the Mulberry Bush...

How many times in the last few years have we said that we need to wait until there is concrete evidence before making decisions about the disappearance of Flight MH370?
We have said this to the point of extreme boredom and yet… still…

This is the full article that appeared in a locally (with offices in Sydney, Australia, and Bristol, UK) based newspaper on 30thAugust, 2018.
This is well over four years from the event that, apparently, claimed the lives of all those souls on board the aircraft.
The early claims from conspiracy theorists that the B777 had been spirited away to a remote Island in the Indian Ocean that contained an American air base now seem to be invalid. All those people would not be still held prisoner had that been the case.


In this article the notion that the control had been externally manipulated resurfaces.
One wonders why. What evidence or logic supports this idea?
If aircraft controls can be taken over by a ground operator with such consummate, it seems, ease, then the future of flying is in doubt.
I, for one and I am amongst millions of others in this thought, would be dead against nipping off on my holidays by air if I thought or one moment that my flight would be repositioned by someone on the ground with a computer.

The main thrust of this appears to be a condemnation of the Malaysian Government and their methods.
We shall never know what the RMAF (Royal Malaysian Air Force – Tentera DiRaja Udara Malaysia) saw or did on that fateful night but veracity of the civilian government of the time, under BN/UMNO, has recently ben called into question by the electorate of Malaysia.
Perhaps this is why a 'local' newspaper has chosen this moment to cast doubt upon the credibility of Malaysia and Malaysians – especially after Tun Dr. Mahathir has been to China and cancelled some mega-projects.
Is this article politically driven? It is entirely possible. Certainly we must doubt the research and sources suggested in it until we have something more substantial than the words of a bitter reporter.

‘Fake News’? Probably not. Mistaken news or biased reporting? More likely.

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