Monday, February 4, 2013

King Kong, Fay Wray and Howard the Duck

I am often bemused. Bemusement seems to hover around the edges of my life like a constantly active ethereal being.
Idea sprites live in my head—with the voices, but bemusement comes from without.

Take the idea of King Kong, for example.
King Kong was huge. Monumental, even. He was incredibly hairy and he was also, if I might be forgiven for brushing against racism here, an ape.
On the other hand Howard was indubitably a Duck. Not to put too fine a point on it Howard was also an alien duck.
What do these two characters, and there are no doubt many more that could be found, have in common?
They were both in love with a female. A human female. King Kong, in two of his many guises in sundry remakes, fell for Fay Wray and Naomi Watts in 1933 and 2005 respectively (Jessica Lange and Jodi Benson were the other two, by the way, in 1976 and 1998).
Happily, there were never any remakes about Howard the Duck who was, in spite of being grumpy and arrogant, head over webbed feet with Beverly Switzer (played by Lea Thompson who also appeared in the ‘Back to the Future’ series with the redoubtable Michael J Fox and the magnificent Christopher Lloyd).

There is something I find unsavoury about both these films. The idea that a creature from another species, even another planet, should find a human female appealing is, somehow, odd—at best.
I can find nothing to wet my sensual appetites about a Chimpanzee—no matter how many times some intellectual protagonist of Darwinism tells me that we are closely related. An Iguana is even more repulsive on the scale of ‘love items’.

I am painfully aware that there are those who satisfy their perverted lusts with animals. Shepherds spring instantly to mind in this respect although I am certain that most Shepherds are completely innocent and only regard members of their flock as an ingredient in a tasty pie. Even if they do tell me that sheep have such soft lips.

What is it that makes storytellers cross the genetic boundaries into this kind of fetishism? What is it that induces publishers and filmmakers to promote this idea into a product that will be globally distributed as entertainment?

So the tale goes on. Speaking of tails. Mermaids.
Why does someone who is half a fish fascinate us? We are led to believe that someone who is, from the waist, or hips, down is Cod but is also immensely desirable. Agreed that the top half is often depicted as something that is not only attractive but also glamorous—what are you going to do with it? Take it home and fry up a pan of chips? You do get my point, don’t you?
Very well, I’ll put it plain and simple just in case you are not quite following me here.
How do mermaids breed?
I’ll leave it at that?

There is also a note meandering around the Internet, primarily on ‘Facebook’ that covers a thought I had when at Sunday school and was discovering all sorts of new things about the World. These were, not unnaturally, mainly things to do with girls.
The Vicar told us that Adam and Eve had two sons. One of those sons was killed by the other one and that, as a consequence, we are all descended from them
Two sons, eh? Good. And one of those sons is a murderer. Hmm.

Must get my Bible out and see if there were any alien ducks around...

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