Saturday, July 27, 2013

Hair Today - Gone Tomorrow

Mysteries abound. Many people spend so much effort criticising the beliefs and views of others that they are, potentially, missing lots of interesting things around them.

For example:
Your nose sometimes becomes ‘runny’, doesn’t it? You can admit that it does because we are all friends here.
When the ‘runniness’ hits your nostrils some of it dries up and becomes all flaky and crisp.
Oh, come on, you know it’s true—I’ve seen you with a discreet finger...
The thing is why does it not get dry and flaky inside your tubes? The airflow coming up the windpipe is the same as the air coming in and out of your nostrils otherwise there would be no point in breathing.
Why does it dry out and block your nose? Irritating, that is.

Another thing.
Chinese ladies.
Nothing wrong with Chinese ladies; it’s just that their hair changes. Not colour—shape.
When Chinese girls are young their hair is straight. Perfectly straight. This is to the point where if they have ‘sticky-out’ ears you will see two little white bits sticking out through their hair one each side of their head.
My Asian Mum paid lots of money to acquire a ‘bouffant’ hairstyle for a special occasion. The very next day, after the first wash, it was straight as a die again.
[Yes. I have an Asian Mum. Another story for another time.]
We have a picture here, do we not?
At some point in their lives, Chinese ladies undergo some sort of metamorphosis. Their hair curls. Not tight little curls like an African’s hair but still curly.
How does this come about?

Then there’s African’s hair. I just mentioned that, didn’t I?
It’s great. A hundred years ago I had a girlfriend who was an African. She was gorgeous and also highly articulate and that is all I shall say about that relationship except that her hair was really something. She hated it. She said that trying to comb it was a nightmare.
Friends of ours from Ethiopia had a young daughter whose hair required combing out on a daily basis. This was a tough job that took a long time. It took dedication on Mum’s part and patience on Daughter’s part.
A little while ago I wrote a ‘Blog’ about blue-eyed blondes. It was called ‘Master Race from Space'.[]
Let’s just take a step back and think about this for the mystery deepens.

As I said in that ‘Blog’, there are people all over the World that have brown eyes and black hair. They have, almost universally, straight black hair.
Some people are very light skinned and others are fairly dark skinned but the eye and hair colour remains constant. As does the type of hair. It is straight.
Except for Africans.
Their Arabic neighbours have straight hair.
How does this happen? Can it be that there were two alien races that used Earth as a penal colony? Can the exponents of the ‘Ancient Alien’ theory be right? In order to give something back to the people of Earth—as ‘rent’ perhaps for planting their ne’er-do-wells on this planet, they gave us some basic technology. They cut and transported huge lumps of stone for us and pointed these lumps in the direction that showed us where they came from.
I digress. If Africa was the root of humans; if Olduvai Gorge was where we all started from then we are all Africans. Way back in our basic genes we are African.
That being the case, we should all have tightly curled hair. What happened in between then and now?
I believe that the original Africans from what is now Kenya got out. Something happened that made their hold on that part of the World untenable so they got up, en masse, and walked off to everywhere else in the World. They left Africa empty.
Ideal territory for a penal colony.
Everyone else in the World is an original African but the present day Africans are aliens just as those of us with blonde hair and blue eyes are aliens dropped into Northern Europe.

That leaves me with one question now.

The Africans and Europeans would like to go home now, please. 

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