Saturday, August 3, 2013

The End of the World - As We Know It.

If there’s nothing you can do, do nothing.

All sorts of experts reliably inform us that the end of the World, as we know it, is almost upon us.
This will occur in various forms. Individual experts will give us individual recipes for this occurrence.

There are people of a religious persuasion who tell me that the chosen people will ascend into the sky leaving the non-believers and those that believe but do so incorrectly behind to wither and perish.
One wonders at the effect upon the wildlife. Will there be enough people remaining to shut down the oil wells and atomic power stations to prevent a global flora and fauna catastrophe?

Others in other religious denominations tell me that the portents are there for all to see and that Armageddon is almost upon us. The rise of Gog and Magog is just around the corner; the Earth will crack asunder in the East, in the West and in between the shores of Canaan and the birthplace of the Nephilim; the people of evil will be scourged from the Earth by flood and disease. These ‘people of evil’ seem to be most of us.
Proof of these things are in the increase of the disasters around the world and the scale of those disasters, we are informed.

On a more prosaic note, there are trillions of tonnes of rock hurtling around us in space. They are, I am told, inclined, upon occasion, to bump into each other. This ‘bumping’ changes their orbital pattern so that they may now be deemed to be hurtling towards us.
This is a bad thing.
Remember Krakatoa? No, of course you don’t. Not unless you were, at least, a teenager in 1883. It was one of the deadliest and most destructive volcanic events in recorded history, with at least 36,417 deaths being attributed to the eruption itself and the tsunamis it created. Significant additional effects were also felt around the world.
Seismic events from this eruption, which destroyed most of the archipelago, continued for five months. The rest of the World went without summer for the following year because of the cloud of volcanic dust—people died of starvation because there were no harvests.
This is nothing compared to what a sizeable chunk of space rock will do to us.
We do not know now what the effect of the crater in Arizona had on the rest of the World but, certainly, the Chicxulub Crater in Yucatan is big enough to have possibly caused whole species to be wiped out.
Barringer Meteor Crater, Arizona
Imagine the possibilities of either a massive iron asteroid hitting us amidships or the magma crater underneath Yellowstone Park deciding that it needs freedom.
When? We have no clue. Both possibilities cannot be timed and as regards the asteroid threat there are thousands—perhaps millions, of them rushing around our proximity about which we have no knowledge.
Asteroid 'Ida'

A Global pandemic* is unlikely to wipe us out because some people will be immune. Not only that but if the incubation period is slow enough to allow it to spread world-wide then people will have time to take precautions. If it is a rapid development bacteria or virus than it would, more likely, die out before too many people were exposed; in other words, it would be a local phenomenon.
However, with rapid International air travel now maybe that could be considered a possibility.
Leprosy (East Timor)

What about bees?
Worker Bees
Is there a possibility that bees could bring about the end of the World as we know it?
Bees are dying. We don’t really know why but fingers have been pointed at Industrial Corporations—one in particular.
Why should we worry about bees? Many of us eat honey and the loss of that part of our diet that can only be produced by bees is worrying.
No. The problem is that bees pollinate flowers that, in turn, then produce fruit. Fruits drop to the ground and grow into more plants.
No bees? No plants.
Plants are the root of all food stocks on Earth. All. There are no exceptions to this. Just as the sun is the source of all practical power on Earth so it is that plants feed animals that other animals eat. Plants even eat plants and some also eat animals but it all starts with ‘green’.
No green = no us.

There are other possibilities such as Global Warming. People scoff but, then, they scoff at the thought of believers being taken up into heaven, too. I just want a vantage point to watch it all in comfort. 
With Honey.

* See:

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