Friday, November 29, 2013

To Infinity - and Beyond

Most of my friends are intellectuals. Many will scoff at that and declare themselves to be otherwise but the fact remains that they are ‘thinkers’.
It may be that, sometimes, I disagree with their views on life but the idea that they are able to form an independent opinion is refreshing.
It is of no consequence, to me, if they read the ‘right’ books or that they see the ‘right’ films. It is of even less consequence if they appreciate the ‘finer’ arts. It is of no consequence whatsoever what their personal beliefs might be.

In a brief and light-hearted exchange with a friend of a friend of mine an image lurched into my head that needed careful consideration.
His idea was that I had, potentially, conceptualised ‘God’ as a small girl. This idea came from a ‘Blog’ that I wrote on the 24th July, this year, called ‘Acorn’.
Interesting thought and not the one that was intended.

It made me realise that, however carefully one writes, there is always latitude for interpretation.

We shall set to one side interpretation in the books that are considered ‘Holy’ as being too sensitive an issue for the purposes of this ‘Blog’ and, instead, look at other ways in which the World can be seen.

From the previous ‘Blog’ entitled ‘Acorn’ the idea was one of scale.
When we look at something we are seeing what is, to us, an item of substance. Whatever that substance might be it is manufactured from molecules that are made up of atoms. Then the atoms are made up from electrons, protons, neutrons that further resolve down into quarks and all sorts of other things that the likes of the brilliant Neil deGrasse Tyson would be able to list in detail.
But what are those smaller things made up from? Will we get down to the point where we look into a microscope and see universes? Galaxies?
Is there, somewhere out there, a giant eyeball peering down at us from far removed orbit?
Infinity is fantastic. ‘Fantastic’ really means that the human mind is unable to grasp it. For this reason I cannot fathom how Britney Spears and her ilk might be regarded as ‘fantastic’ since it seems that grasping is...
We shall let that die.
We cannot imagine infinity. It is beyond the scope of the human intellect to do so.
What is beyond infinity? There is, by definition, nothing beyond infinity. If it is circular then what is it that is outside of that circle?
There must be other universes. There cannot be an infinity of blankness beyond our universe. The idea that this universe, our universe, is the sole island of matter in an unlimited ocean of vacuum is preposterous. Worse, it is extreme arrogance.
Universes are limitless; they are infinite. As is, almost certainly, life. In many forms.

Let’s look at something else but we will return to the previous thought line.

Mayflies are ephemeral. Many insects and small creatures are in existence for a blink of an eye.
Some give us great pleasure in their brief lives and others less so.
There is a theory (mine, really) that everything on the Earth has the same number of heartbeats. Once those heartbeats are used up then it is time to draw the curtains and hold a wake.
Of course, there is a flaw in this theory; it does not allow for diseases and the fact that I am not medically qualified to form such an idea. Nevertheless, I hold dear the right to consider all concepts no matter how churlish, childish or pathetic they might be to ‘normal’ people.
Elephants’ hearts beat at around the same rate as ours so they live about the same span as us. Giant Tortoises have a slower heartbeat—they live longer.
Humming birds have short lives, their hearts beat at an alarming rate.
Does this heart rate coincide with a concept of time?
Consider that a fly will remove itself from the place where your hand is about to strike in ample time to prevent it dying of shock. Birds will flap into the air in a trice—well ahead of any impending danger that you may threaten them with. The only way we can compensate for that is with some sort of weapon.
Dogs live short lives. The thing is that their lives may be seventy years to them. They may see time as moving much more slowly than we do.
We are aware that, in times of great stress, the rate of the passage of time will change for us. We understand that a week can take a month at work but that the weekend is gone in a flash. Clearly time is flexible.
Do the ephemeral creatures of the World see their lives as being seventy years? Do they see us as great, slow, lumbering beasts with deep booming voices?

This idea is just for us on Earth. The difference in size may be miniscule compared to other creatures that form the bulk of the unknown universes that comprise ‘infinity’.
To them it may be that our entire galaxy is just a mere flash as the energy release from splitting one of their ‘atoms’.

How do we know?

How will we ever know?

Monday, November 18, 2013

Vicious Generalisations

Just have a browse through these few photographs. What is it that comes to mind?

Yes, indeed. These are all oppressed Muslim ladies who live in constant fear of being dragged off to a crowded football stadium where they will be executed by a single rifle shot...
Nonsense, isn’t it? These women are scholars, Aircraft Engineers, Senior Managers, Teachers, Maintenance people, Police Officers, Journalists.
Every one of them plays an active role in society; they all contribute to the economy through their skills and dedication to their task. They are, as one, independent, strong willed, competent, intelligent and often highly qualified.
They also have family to whom they are equally, if not more, dedicated.

What about these photographs, then?

Are they terrorists? Eager to do the ‘right thing’? They are all Muslims even if they are not quite as hairy as the ‘Duck Dynasty’ people!
No, they are Shopkeepers, Policemen, Aircraft Engineers, IT Specialists, Managers, Ground Equipment Engineers, Photographers.

Just like Christians, Jews, Hindus, Buddhists, Taoists, et al, they are interested in earning a living, supporting their families and having a good life.
Just like Christians, Jews, Hindus, Buddhists, Taoists, et al, they go to their Mosques, Temples, Synagogues, Churches and pray, quietly, to their God(s).
They do not assemble to concoct plans to overthrow anybody and turn the World into a death trap for others.

Apart from the Police Officers I know of nobody that possesses a gun and only one person who knows how to use one should they be given one. Indeed, given a matchbox-sized piece of plastique it is I who could do the most damage!

So what is it that they all have in common apart from being Muslims? They are all peaceful, law abiding people who get on well with their neighbours irrespective of the neighbours’ religion.
There are no arguments on the street or across boundary fences.
There are rarely arguments about anything anywhere.

There have been, recently, virulent statements made about sundry people.
Most of these comments are ill informed vituperations formed, one imagines, in the gut out of a sense of hatred. They do not, for certain, arise from a considered, researched basis of truth.
Quote: “All Muslims should eat sh*t and die.”
Note: ‘All’.
Please refer to the photographs above and see, again, the people that you wish to consign to an early grave.
Do you really imagine that these innocent people deserve to die at all—let alone some horrible, slow, painful death?

I have said before that if you are a writer or an author, you need to get your facts and ensure that they are correct.
Believing everything that you see on the Internet is not a sure way of obtaining facts any more than reading newspapers.
Journalists have a duty of care to tell the truth—whether they like it or not. Often they do not.
You have a duty of care to ensure that what you write is truth—whether you like it or not.

Writing does not apply only to fiction or learned tracts; it applies to you who write on ‘Facebook’ or ‘Twitter’. If you write, anywhere, you have a responsibility to everyone else.
If you are stating an opinion it is a good idea to justify that opinion and not just say, “Tomatoes are hazardous to health and should not be eaten off pewter plates*,” without a justification.

We are, as one, very quick to generalise and point fingers. It is a way of bolstering our own inadequacies. Surely, showing someone else up in a bad light is the most effective way of demonstrating our own higher qualities. Sadly, extinguishing another person’s light does not make our light burn any brighter.

Kind words are more effective.
Stay positive: I will not attend an ‘Anti-War Rally’ but I will go to a ‘Peace Rally’.

*In the Middle Ages those with money had plates made of pewter. Food with high acid content caused some of the lead to leach onto the food, causing lead poisoning and death. This happened most often with tomatoes, so for the next 400 years or so, tomatoes were considered poisonous.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Sixth Sense or Non-Sense

We have five senses. More than enough for the likes of us. Each of those five senses report to centres in the brain where the input is processed and, some of it, stored.
The storage procedure is not very efficient for most of us and so memory becomes fallible. We mostly remember things in the way that we expect them to be rather than how they actually were.
We have ultra-short term memory that retains information for up to two seconds—except for the visual cortex that stores iconic memory for about half a second.
Then we have short-term memory that we hold on to for about ten to twenty seconds. Some of those memories might get transferred into long-term memory but that is more likely to happen with rehearsal.
Usually we can remember between five and nine ‘chunks’ of memory for a short time so splitting things up into small pieces is better but the most effective method is making a short note.
A short note is far better than a long memory.

There are people who tell us that there is a sixth sense commonly regarded as a ‘non-sense’.
Yet there are uncanny things that occasionally crop up that make you think about this.
All examples of this sixth sense can be pooh-poohed quite easily, for instance, people will say, “How often have you had the feeling that you were being watched, you turn and there is someone watching you?” This is easily countered with, “How many times have you thought you were being watched, you turn and there’s nobody there?”

Yet there is one startling effect that was documented by researchers; several days before the WTC towers were hit, we are not going into all the conspiracy theories about this, there was an upsurge in the feelings of fear by people. The recording of this was made before the event so it was not something that was noted after the event.

Shall we look at some ‘odd’ things that have been written about ‘after’ events—these things are, obviously, less reliable but sometimes there is no smoke without fire, as they say.

On Friday, October 21, 1966, a mountain of coal waste, perched above the Welsh mining village of Aberfan, broke loose and came flooding down onto the village.
It rolled over a tiny cottage about halfway down the slope, crushed Pantglas Junior School, wiped out 20 houses - then finally came to rest.
A total of 144 people, 116 of them were children, were crushed or suffocated to death in one of Britain's most horrific, peacetime, tragedies.
But for one family the grief was even more acute. One of those killed, ten-year-old Eryl Mai Jones, had predicted the catastrophe.
In the days prior to the atrocity Eryl had told her mother that she was 'not afraid to die'.
Eryl said, “I shall be with Peter and June.”
Eryl's mother offered her daughter a lollipop and thought nothing of it. Then, on October 20, the day before the disaster, Eryl said to her mother, “Let me tell you about my dream last night. I dreamt I went to school and there was no school there. Something black had come down all over it!”
The next day Eryl's horrific premonition came to pass and she was killed with her school friends Peter and June. They were buried, side-by-side, in a mass grave—just as Eryl had predicted.

Of course, the premonitions of disaster prior to the WTC collapsing were many and varied.
One of the most clear examples was that the aircraft used had very many fewer seats occupied than would be typical on any other day.
The Boeing 757 that crashed into the Pentagon had only 64 of 289 seats taken. The aircraft that crashed into the twin towers were 74% and 81% empty.
Studies have shown that in a major disaster there are usually (but not always, of course) less people involved than might have been expected.

Not just humans are affected. Before the tsunami on Boxing Day, 2004, the flamingoes in Sri Lanka’s southern coast fled and monkeys stopped taking bananas from tourists and began to scream.
A woman reported an incident where her cat jumped off the back seat of her car and bit her—causing her to stop; seconds later a tree crashed onto the road in front of her.

I just have an odd feeling that lunch is on the way.

If you are interested in such things, try:

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Prostitutes, Lovers and Mistresses

 They say that prostitution is the oldest trade in the World. It is, quite possibly, a unique trade.
Because you’ve got it, you sell it—you’ve still got it!
Must have been invented by Jews.

An idea sprite hit me while I was thinking of something else. Actually, I was thinking of someone else but we shall work on the precept of ‘no names, no pack drill’, eh?

The sprite nudged my head towards the words ‘double standard’ and ‘hypocrisy’. I did enquire of the sprite what the root of this was but, as usual, it just laughed and backed off.
Further thought came to me that this referred to sex.
We think about sex a lot, don’t we? Yes, yes. Do not act the innocent with me. I have run into those wide eyes before, they don’t work now.
We are told that a man will think about sex every fifty six seconds on average. Women? I have no idea but I imagine it will be along similar lines in spite of protestations from the female population to the contrary.
We are all human with the same urges to procreate, after all. Add ‘fun’ to that idea and the thoughts begin to be irresistible.

So what is it that is a ‘double standard’?
We shall take just one but others exist, of course.
If a man goes into a female student’s hostel and has his way with every one of the women therein he will be labelled a hero. He will be ‘Jack the Lad’!
Of course, the probability of his being able to accomplish this task beyond the first few is minimal because he will be physiologically incapable of such a performance in spite of what your friendly neighbourhood Romeo will tell you.
Let us now switch sides.
A young lady strolls into the male hostel and has her way with each of the young men in that dormitory.
This is far more possible.
Allow us to leave aside the enormous pleasure she has just given any number of young men and consider the choice epithets that will accompany her life into the foreseeable future.
‘Slut’, ‘slag’, ‘whore’, ‘cow’, ‘slapper’ are just a few of the labels that this, now, loose woman will be anointed with.

Why? Both the fellow and the young lady did the same thing but the results, in the mind of the observers, will be different.
Confucius said, “One key fits many locks—good key; one lock opened by many keys—bad lock.”

One wonders at this double standard. It is fine for a chap to have a good time but not a woman.
Men are almost required to be ‘experienced’ before marriage but a woman must be a virgin. Virgins are, it seems, good but non-virgins are evil.
So if the girl is required to be ‘pure’ before marriage where does the fellow get his experience?
Some girls must be permitted to be impure to enable men to be capable of performing adequately on the wedding night.

What of these girls?
How strange it is that a man will ‘sleep’ with a prostitute, who has had many clients, with impunity. He has no regard for those that have gone before.
But (there’s always a ‘but’).
If he finds that the girl he is currently dating has had some previous experience with a male he will be shocked—offended, perhaps. She is shown the road. Suddenly his precursors are important.

Double standard and hypocrisy rule.

Shall we return to the young man and the young lady who appeared in the first scene?

Odd, is it not, that the young lady who has been so acerbically criticised for her low morals will now be the subject of close male attention. All the fellows will wish to ‘date’ her.

Because if she will allow herself to be bedded by those other chaps then, surely, she will let him do the same. This makes her eminently attractive but not in the long term. She is only there for dalliance and fleeting pleasures.
You may well not be aware of this but women are the same. They are attracted to men who have ‘experience’. Elephants, too, are like this; the young cows will gravitate towards the older males when it comes to breeding because the older guys know what to do without a lot of ‘messing around’!
Men who appear to be inexperienced are less likely to attract a date irrespective of their physical appearance.

Double standards and hypocrisy.

Thousands, perhaps millions, of years ago the World of humans was divided up into small villages for those who were not nomadic. Even nomadic tribes had a common grouping that had, at its head, a leader.
The leader would be male. He was strong and capable. The defence of the group was in his hands as was the potential to track and kill prey with which to feed the group.
Such a man would be an attraction to the females in the group. He would be seen as someone who could protect her and, more importantly, their offspring.
The more pro-active female will win and breed with the leader. Having bred she will now be focussed on bringing up the children and caring for the home whether it be tent or hut. She will allow her looks to fade.
Over in the corner is another young lady with designs on the leadership; she will flutter her eyelashes at the leader but, unless she is more direct, he will not notice her because he is busy looking after the group and hunting, etc.
She becomes more direct and he notices her. She is winsome, young, firm, shapely and shows clear interest in him. He is tempted. His ‘wife’ is tired after a busy day at home and looks it.
The youngster becomes his mistress.
Whose fault is it? His? Hers? He will get the blame and rightly so in modern times because he has made a promise to his wife that he will ‘cleave only to her until death do they part’. But she, the mistress, knows the risks; the blame is also to be laid at her feet; the desire to get a man who is wealthy or successful overcomes the fear of discovery.

What about the wife? At the beginning we noted that women also want sex. Women also have desires and needs. So it is that there is a market for the male prostitute—the ‘Gigolo’, if you will. Wives will also take casual lovers on the side. They do this more often than people notice.
Why do people notice women less?
Because when a man is discovered to have a mistress he risks losing everything. Home, family and even his job, quite often.
Woman with a mistress? Yawn...

Double standard and hypocrisy.

Monday, November 4, 2013

Aristocratic Vikings

“If I were you...”
This statement is normally accompanied by a severely wagged index finger.

Many times, in various ‘Blogs’ I have mentioned this. It is one of my most hated expressions.
The problem with it is that the person making this admonition is not ‘you’. That person is giving advice based on their needs, their wants and their experiences. It is not related to anything for which you wish.

Since I have admitted to already speaking of this on multiple occasions, why am I bringing it up again now?
Because, dear hearts, it presented itself in stark terms twice on ‘Facebook’. Today.

In one instance a person was advised they should follow a certain course of action.
We all, I am sure, have a Mrs Youshould in your lives. It might be a Mr. Youshould, of course, but, either way, there is always somebody out there who is so bored with their own lives that they feel obliged to control yours.

The sad part about this is that, very often, the effect is rather more subtle than somebody coming along and proffering unwanted words of wisdom.
Sometimes the damage is done at an early age and make no mistake about it, it is damage that lasts and lasts.

Children in rural areas, I cannot speak for those in more urban parts—perhaps they are afflicted in the same manner, are often part of a feudal system that has been handed down to us by the Vikings. Well, alright, they were called ‘Normans' by then.
These people invaded what was then Britain and set up a system of overlords that ruled over the ‘People of the Knife’ (Saxons) with an iron fist.
It is from this racism that we get the likes of Robin Hood and his, possibly less than, Merry Men.
This framework of subjugated fealty develops into what we now have in the United Kingdom, it is the Aristocracy.
These people are our ‘betters’. We are supposed to tug a forelock, or two, when they sweep grandly past us. Our parents and others tell us that they, the Lords and Ladies of the Realm, are better than us; we should cast our eyes down and gaze longingly at the dirt in their presence.
Similarly, when presented with a puzzle we might be told that ‘better people than you have tried to find a cure/solution for that’ leaving you to crawl back into your inferiority.

Forty-odd years ago I was writing an article for a local magazine every month. A cartoon accompanied this. Never missed a month in five years. The article was always sent through the mail in order to reach the editorial office by deadline day. Never missed.
After two years I decided to write a short story for the magazine. Very short. Possibly it was no more than a thousand words (these ‘Blogs’ are generally around eight hundred to a thousand words). After this length of time I can no longer remember what the story was about but, presumably, it would have been stunningly brilliant—as you might expect.
This time I took it to the editorial office personally and put it on the desk of the Officer who was the Editor.
He looked puzzled and then asked me what it was. He never touched it, perhaps he thought he might receive some dire disease from it.
I told him that it was a story. A story for the magazine.
A look of astonishment crossed his face—he looked up at me and said, “I hardly think that a Corporal in the Technical Branch can string together sufficient words to form a cohesive sentence let alone write a story.”
He laughed. At me.
I picked up the story and left.

Such is the arrogance engendered by a class system that makes people born into leadership believe that they are better than their minions. It is what is driven into our heads at an early age. We grow up with certain ideas. Ideas that tell us that we can never be as good as the boy next door or the girl in the pageant.
It is ingrained into us. The subservience, the inferiority, is part of the system that we live in.

It occurs now. People are accustomed to being in debt. Debt is the comfort level for most people.
You can give someone a large sum of money and they will fritter it away until they are back in debt. Of course, it will be your fault because you gave them insufficient funds in the first place!
Debt is comfortable because that is how the children see life from an early age. For them the gap between the ‘haves’ and the ‘have nots’ is normal, it is a natural occurrence.

Traditionally, where I come from, real men get on the bus in the morning with a bag of tools, a lunch pack and a ‘Thermos’ flask to go and do a proper day’s work. They are Tradesmen. Real tradesmen.
I was in the military and now teach people and write stories for a living—in those people’s eyes I am a failure. It doesn’t matter whether I have money or not, I have not succeeded in life.

There is the root of the problem.
That grinding of ideas into children’s heads that there are better people out there. Older people, sometimes, who know better.
You should always take their advice. Woe betide you if you do not do as you are told!

“If I was you...”
Then they become upset if you don’t take their advice.
But advice is like any other gift, you can take it or leave it. You can modify it—do as you wish with it. Once it has left the donor it has nothing to do with that person.

A word of advice on giving advice. Never give advice.

If you give advice and someone accepts it then their World turns to worms it will be your fault.
If I was you I should never give advice.