Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Prostitutes, Lovers and Mistresses

 They say that prostitution is the oldest trade in the World. It is, quite possibly, a unique trade.
Because you’ve got it, you sell it—you’ve still got it!
Must have been invented by Jews.

An idea sprite hit me while I was thinking of something else. Actually, I was thinking of someone else but we shall work on the precept of ‘no names, no pack drill’, eh?

The sprite nudged my head towards the words ‘double standard’ and ‘hypocrisy’. I did enquire of the sprite what the root of this was but, as usual, it just laughed and backed off.
Further thought came to me that this referred to sex.
We think about sex a lot, don’t we? Yes, yes. Do not act the innocent with me. I have run into those wide eyes before, they don’t work now.
We are told that a man will think about sex every fifty six seconds on average. Women? I have no idea but I imagine it will be along similar lines in spite of protestations from the female population to the contrary.
We are all human with the same urges to procreate, after all. Add ‘fun’ to that idea and the thoughts begin to be irresistible.

So what is it that is a ‘double standard’?
We shall take just one but others exist, of course.
If a man goes into a female student’s hostel and has his way with every one of the women therein he will be labelled a hero. He will be ‘Jack the Lad’!
Of course, the probability of his being able to accomplish this task beyond the first few is minimal because he will be physiologically incapable of such a performance in spite of what your friendly neighbourhood Romeo will tell you.
Let us now switch sides.
A young lady strolls into the male hostel and has her way with each of the young men in that dormitory.
This is far more possible.
Allow us to leave aside the enormous pleasure she has just given any number of young men and consider the choice epithets that will accompany her life into the foreseeable future.
‘Slut’, ‘slag’, ‘whore’, ‘cow’, ‘slapper’ are just a few of the labels that this, now, loose woman will be anointed with.

Why? Both the fellow and the young lady did the same thing but the results, in the mind of the observers, will be different.
Confucius said, “One key fits many locks—good key; one lock opened by many keys—bad lock.”

One wonders at this double standard. It is fine for a chap to have a good time but not a woman.
Men are almost required to be ‘experienced’ before marriage but a woman must be a virgin. Virgins are, it seems, good but non-virgins are evil.
So if the girl is required to be ‘pure’ before marriage where does the fellow get his experience?
Some girls must be permitted to be impure to enable men to be capable of performing adequately on the wedding night.

What of these girls?
How strange it is that a man will ‘sleep’ with a prostitute, who has had many clients, with impunity. He has no regard for those that have gone before.
But (there’s always a ‘but’).
If he finds that the girl he is currently dating has had some previous experience with a male he will be shocked—offended, perhaps. She is shown the road. Suddenly his precursors are important.

Double standard and hypocrisy rule.

Shall we return to the young man and the young lady who appeared in the first scene?

Odd, is it not, that the young lady who has been so acerbically criticised for her low morals will now be the subject of close male attention. All the fellows will wish to ‘date’ her.

Because if she will allow herself to be bedded by those other chaps then, surely, she will let him do the same. This makes her eminently attractive but not in the long term. She is only there for dalliance and fleeting pleasures.
You may well not be aware of this but women are the same. They are attracted to men who have ‘experience’. Elephants, too, are like this; the young cows will gravitate towards the older males when it comes to breeding because the older guys know what to do without a lot of ‘messing around’!
Men who appear to be inexperienced are less likely to attract a date irrespective of their physical appearance.

Double standards and hypocrisy.

Thousands, perhaps millions, of years ago the World of humans was divided up into small villages for those who were not nomadic. Even nomadic tribes had a common grouping that had, at its head, a leader.
The leader would be male. He was strong and capable. The defence of the group was in his hands as was the potential to track and kill prey with which to feed the group.
Such a man would be an attraction to the females in the group. He would be seen as someone who could protect her and, more importantly, their offspring.
The more pro-active female will win and breed with the leader. Having bred she will now be focussed on bringing up the children and caring for the home whether it be tent or hut. She will allow her looks to fade.
Over in the corner is another young lady with designs on the leadership; she will flutter her eyelashes at the leader but, unless she is more direct, he will not notice her because he is busy looking after the group and hunting, etc.
She becomes more direct and he notices her. She is winsome, young, firm, shapely and shows clear interest in him. He is tempted. His ‘wife’ is tired after a busy day at home and looks it.
The youngster becomes his mistress.
Whose fault is it? His? Hers? He will get the blame and rightly so in modern times because he has made a promise to his wife that he will ‘cleave only to her until death do they part’. But she, the mistress, knows the risks; the blame is also to be laid at her feet; the desire to get a man who is wealthy or successful overcomes the fear of discovery.

What about the wife? At the beginning we noted that women also want sex. Women also have desires and needs. So it is that there is a market for the male prostitute—the ‘Gigolo’, if you will. Wives will also take casual lovers on the side. They do this more often than people notice.
Why do people notice women less?
Because when a man is discovered to have a mistress he risks losing everything. Home, family and even his job, quite often.
Woman with a mistress? Yawn...

Double standard and hypocrisy.

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