Saturday, January 4, 2014

Con Artists on 'Facebook'

Beware whom you befriend on ‘Facebook’ – you may get one of the lunatic fringe trying to extract your funds! This was his opening conversation.

A conversation between Mc J B (J) and me (M). None of the spelling or punctuation has been changed:

J: hello Mr David are you ready to claim your winning award prize
[Note that I am referred to as ‘Mr. David’ and not ‘Mr. Leyman’. This is very Asian]

M: No. I write award-winning stories.

J: yes fedral govt award you sum of $500.000.00

M: No, it doesn't. Not even in Rupiah.

J: the money is give to you as reward and it is award winning prize
[Note the spelling and (lack of) punctuation.]

M: Excellent. No, thank you.

J: that is why i am here to inform you about your award and to put you true how your money will be deliver to you any where you stay in the world.

M: Could you write that in English from wherever you are in the World?
Tell me why you describe yourself as 'female' and yet have a 'male' photo?

J: yes we are two agent that control this account'so that is why we are real and legal me and Brenda work as claiming agent for fedral govt award commision

M: Yes. Could you rewrite that in English? Which country are you from?

J: USA our heard office other branches in Australia'Uk'New Zealand' brenda is now in uk and she can log in and read all our conversation so that is why you have to be honest

M: I am always honest. Sadly, your grasp of English is poor. One wonders why you are holding a (apparently) senior position.
[Following a gap in the conversation that lasted a day.]
So the offer is retracted. Fine.

J: Good Mr David your award winning will be deliver to you via fedex and for fedex to be able to locate you at where you are there are some information we will want to collect from you so and you have to be honest with what you are given.
FULL NAME........
Let you know that in the next 24hours that we recive this information your winning will get deliver to you ok.

M: It is late afternoon. I see your English has not improved.

J: ok send me the information that fedex need to come and deliver your winning as soon as possible.

M: What is it, in your mind, that makes you think that I shall send you personal information? Given that your English is execrable it hardly leads to any sense of trust or faith in your ultimate intentions.

J: are you not intrested in claiming your winning award again because i have try my best on you to belive me and get your winning.

M: No. I believe I made this very clear from the start.
Do you read?

J: Ok you have to fill the claiming form I sent to you ok so that your document can be sigh and wired to fedex for deliver to you ok
Fill this form
Full Name...
Full Home address....
Zip Code......
Mobile Number....
Next of Kin....

M: I think that you are in desperate need of psychiatric help.

J: Meaning what?

M: Meaning you need a psychiatrist to treat you for this feeling that nobody is speaking to you.

J: hello

M: Hello. Are you prepared to participate in a more civilised fashion now?

J: meaning what?

M: So far you have completely ignored everything I have said and insisted on presenting your own interests in which I have no desire to cooperate.

J: i mean it am real with your winning

M: As do I. Either switch to something more sociable or desist entirely.
You do speak sufficient English to comprehend what I am saying, don't you?

J: David look here am not here to play game

M: Me neither.

J: so are you ready to get your winning
because you will pay delivery fee of $1000 before fedex can come and deliver your package

M: You are still not listening!

J: Federal government grants are specific amounts of money given to a US,UK,AUSTRALIA,NEW ZEALAND,CANADA,citizen to use for a specified purpose.  Federal government grants come in many different forms with the most popular being scholarships for a college education, Dissabilities to pay there Bills, or funding for a research project.  Federal government grants are a great way to raise capital for a specific goal.  Generally the government will give out grant money to meet the needs of a specific government goal.
Every year the government is required to give away free money to citizens  Over $350 billion dollars is given away each year to individuals and businesses in the form of free grants. This free money can be used for almost any purpose - including to buy a house, start a business, pay for college, take online classes, pay salaries, buy school supplies, get out of debt, buy clothing, pay for child camp, pay for music, art or education lessons, paying off your medical bills, pay for gas for your car, and anything else you desire.

M: Good. Give it to somebody who wants it.

J: dont you want it

M: You really don't listen/read, do you?
No. I do not want it. I said this in the very first place.

J: why you dont want free money that govt gives to you

M: Give it to somebody who needs it or to someone who is happy to give you $1000 up front.

J: ooooooo is 1000 too much for you to pay and you get 300,000.00
[Observe that the amount has changed.]

M: No. It is not too much for me. My trust in these things is zero. I don't want it. Stop proffering it. Push someone else.
J: ok if it is not much while dont you send the money and you wait and see tha good hing that will happen next

M: No. End. No more.

J: try and see ok

Chat conversation end

See how persistent these con artists are? There was no mention of the $1000 up front at the start of the conversation but it was inevitable that it would appear at some stage. It is also inevitable that the $1000 cannot be deducted from the lump sum and the remainder sent on to the recipient.
I think I shall forego ‘tha good hing’ that will happen next!

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