Saturday, April 11, 2015

Indiana and 'The Law'

       Waxing a little philosophical this time.

       Just to be very clear on this, I do not care—at all, what you do in the privacy of your bedroom. Much less do I care with whom you do it.
       Moreover, I do not care what your beliefs are. They are yours and you are entitled to them.
       I am entitled to my beliefs and reading about the things that you believe in does not spoil my day for even a fraction of a second.

       There is an increasing amount of support for homosexuals. These people, men and women, are not ‘gay’ they are homosexuals.
       I am a heterosexual and happy with that.
       I do not go on marches or parades to support, or seek support, for my persuasion.
       On the social media and on television programmes and within films there is an increasing tendency towards making homosexuality ‘acceptable’.
       It was never ‘unacceptable’.
       But, like anything else of that nature it is something that is best left in private. I really do not want to know about it. Why is it being thrust in my face from various directions?
       There is a film called ‘Brokeback Mountain’ that was raved about by the media and critics alike. I have chosen not to watch it.
       I am entitled to make that choice. I do not hate the film; I do not dislike the actors in the film; I do not ‘disapprove’ of it I merely choose not to see it.
       Making that choice dos not make me a bad person and neither does it make me ‘homophobic’. People can do as they wish with, as I say, whom they wish—providing it is done privately.
       Does this mean that I am against love scenes in films and television series? No. It does not. Providing that they are ‘normal’.
       This is the point, isn’t it? Heterosexual relationships are normal. This is nothing to do with religion or any sort of moralistic outlook; it has to do with statistics.
       The vast majority of people, Worldwide, are heterosexual. This means that anybody who has a variation on that theme is abnormal.
       ‘Abnormal’ does not mean ‘disgusting’ or ‘weird’ it means that a certain behaviour or characteristic is not something that is found in the majority.
       Example: an albino lion is abnormal because most lions are, sort of, sandy-coloured.

       Because the great majority of people are not homosexual perhaps love scenes should cater for that majority. Many of those watching television or films are offended by same-sex amorous behaviour. This is not just me—this is prevalent among many people who comment to me on this subject.
       It is possible that this could be extended, in some cultures, to include kissing between men and women and, certainly, nudity. This latter has been carried to extremes in some series and films—leaving little, or nothing, to the imagination.

       As you will be aware, I write stories. Lots of them. Some are available on ‘Amazon’. You may well think that I am being hypocritical because many of my stories are aimed at what may be called an ‘adult’ audience. But my references to sex and the relationships between men and women (always) are sparse and are centred more on action rather than romance.
       I shall admit that, in one story, there is a relationship with a ‘cat’ (not a ‘cat’ in reality but, then, you would have to read it) but even that is only obliquely referred to so that the reader can imagine what they like and go with it as far as they are comfortable with in their own mind.

       So one wonders at this ‘discrimination’ law. Specifically in Indiana. There is a ‘hue and cry’ at certain retailers who are refusing to sell foodstuffs, for example, to homosexuals. How do they know the customer is a homosexual? I never, ever, go into a store and explain to the assistants in the shop that I am heterosexual.

       I emphasise once more that I do not care what you do or what you believe. You will not spoil one iota of my life by worshipping a tree or a ‘Noodly Monster’ and nor do I care what your predilections or proclivities are towards other people. I just wish you would do it privately.
