Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Sluts and Slappers

  So we drift nonchalantly into the world of sluts, slatterns, slappers, loose women and harlots.
Yes. Very odd.
Let us consider the double standard that exists here but we will divest ourselves of religious convictions and considerations.
If we consider the potential for a male person to enter the house of many females, in the United States that may be a Sorority House, and have his sordid way with each of the inhabitants he would emerge from the evening’s activities with noble epithets ringing in his ears. Such a feat would be famously passed from ear to ear with the associated and progressive embellishments.
He would, of a certainty, receive accolades from ‘Jack-the-Lad’ to ‘Hero of the Mutton Rivet’ and many, less savoury, in between.
We need not, at this point, consider the physiological unlikelihood of any male being able to perform this miraculous performance and that the evidence for such an event would, very likely, be contrived at best.
A woman attempting a similar deed would emerge with somewhat less savoury pronouncements on her character. Her titles bestowed by others would be more animal-related than heroic.
One wonders at this.
We have entered the 21st Century. It is, we are told, a modern and civilised time; a time in which equality for all is the hallmark of our existence. A time in which scientific knowledge is the cutting edge of our being; a knowledge that will thrust us forward in safety and well being, health and prosperity into the years and centuries to come.
It is a time that is portrayed, in stories and on film where men and women labour, equally, in knowledge and exploration of far places.
Yet men and women are not equal.
Not by a very long chalk.
Even now, in this enlightened time, there are women doing the same job as men for salaries that are reduced below that of male pay.
Because they are women.
Men need to earn more because they are supporting a family. Women work for pin money; women are supported by their husbands or their daddies, aren’t they?
Women do not need to be paid their worth because they are only working for pin money. They are working to ‘get the little lady out of the house for a while’.
Condescending, no?
Arrogant, yes?
Of course it is both condescending and arrogant. Old people and teenagers suffer the same thing at the hands of corporations. These groups are paid less because, very often, they cannot get jobs elsewhere; corporations see this as an opportunity to employ people for less money. Overheads are reduced in terms of manpower and profit go up for the owners and shareholders.
Do not misunderstand me here; I am not against profit. Profit is good. Profit makes the World go around, without it companies would go bankrupt and everybody would be out of a job.
The argument here is about justice.
Justice is for everyone irrespective of race, religion, nationality or gender.
Or should be.
But, inevitably, it is not.
We understand that there are certain people who rise above the law; whose wealth, fame or social success makes them, pretty well, immune from prosecution or tort.
Is this wrong? Of course it is but it is human.
As is the desire to place other people down the list of entitlement. It is a kind of pecking order. Those who feel they are superior will wish to place those they regard as ‘inferior’ farther down the list.
Women, youngsters and old people are those who sink towards the lower orders.
If we are genuinely in the 21st Century and equality for everybody is to be our trademark then this is a list that needs to be banished from our mind-sets. It is a paradigm that urgently needs shifting.
If someone is doing the same job to the same standard to the same parameters as another person then they should, must, earn the same salary.
Equally, women have the same right to enjoy themselves in the same way as men without being benighted with slurs on their character or else we are guilty of double standards. We become hypocrites.

That attempt towards equality extends, does it not, into a multitude of other areas?
Clean water for everyone at minimal or zero cost…

       A story about the Corporations and the rebellion against them:

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