Saturday, March 5, 2016

Donald Trump and 'Coca-Cola'

Once again we are reminded of the power of the media.
I am, at once, in awe and, in equal part, terrified of what the media has to tell us—the common person, the ‘man on the street’, as it were.

We are assailed from all corners about the progress of one ‘Donald Trump’ through the corridors that lead to the position of ‘Leader of The United States’; also known as POTUS, I am led to believe.
We are assured that he is the devil’s spawn and, therefore, the least likeliest person possible to attain the Presidency.
Of course, those of us that inhabit the ‘Free World’ that exists outside of the United States only know this Trump fellow through the television show of ‘The Apprentice’ where his autocratic bawling of “You’re fired!” had the mindless gawkers on the edge of their seat to see which sad person had been expunged from the show this time.
However, this ‘Least Likely’ title seems to be wearing away into ‘Most Likely’ if the reports are to be believed.
The media coverage would appear to be supporting his cause rather than that of the, apparently, intellectual Mr. Bernie Sanders whose cause is, in any case, likely to be collapsing under the weight of certain delegates whose task is to make sure only those who will bend to their will attain the ultimate power. And so rises the status of one Mrs. Hilary Clinton.

But what of Europe?
Shock! Horror!
So much has been printed and expressed on the media of the trials and tribulations experienced there.
Rape, murder, riots across Scandinavia; Germany filling with refugees—both genuine and economic; the French threatening to open Calais to a flood of people wanting to cross into Britain.
We are told that these refugees are all from Syria but what is the truth? Will we ever know?
It becomes apparent that there will, soon, be no room for Europeans in Europe. The whole Continent will be chock-full of people from North Africa and the Middle East. Every one of them, we are informed, with crime on their minds.
Every individual refugee is filled with hatred towards the people of the country that they are begging to give them solace; every single one of them is hell-bent on some criminal activity—not one of them has an ounce of gratitude towards the benevolence of the Western countries that take them in.
Indeed, the aforesaid Donald Trump has decreed that every single one of them is a Muslim and must be prevented from entering the USA.
Muslims are, it is generally agreed in the media, nasty people who should be prevented from going anywhere.

How much of this is true?
Donald Trump can be seen and heard addressing crowds at his meetings in the U.S. but how much of what he says has been blown up and misinterpreted by an agile minded media with vested interest?
How many media outlets, and we have mentioned this previously in these pages, can be entrusted with the truth? Several times recently a ‘news’ channel on American television has been shown to be reporting false information.
But, above all, is the idea of what are they not reporting?
How much of what they are telling us is a case of ‘watch the right-hand—never mind the left-hand, just look at the right-hand’?

‘Coca-Cola’ did this with heir marketing plan to promote one of their drink products. They sold this product in a white can that, should you buy it, sent a percentage of the price of that tin to an organisation that was trying to save the Polar Bear. Everyone loves Polar Bears. One of the meanest killing machines on the planet but, somehow, we love them. Possibly because most of us will never meet one.
So ‘Coca-Cola’ is ‘green’?
Just watch the right-hand.
What happens to all those millions (billions?) of aluminium cans and plastic bottles?

This is what the media is doing. It is psychological warfare and you, gentle soul, are the enemy.

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