Sunday, March 20, 2016

Kangen Water - A Personal View: Addendum.

There is an obligation sweeping over me to up-date the information from a previous ‘Blog’.
That ‘Blog’ was called “Kangen Water – A Personal View”.
It was written last August.

In that ‘Blog’ there was made mention of a ‘young’ lady who had cancer.
In her latest medical check up the doctors can find no trace of cancer; they are, it seems, unable to declare her ‘cancer free’ until no trace has been found for five years.  
She looks well; she looks fit and, she tells me, she feels wonderful.

An acquaintance of ours has a child who gets epileptic fits every time she has a fever. Every time. 
This child is, maybe, six or seven. The ages of children and the judging thereof is not one of my primary skills!
The little girl—it is a female child, is also immensely shy with strangers and especially going to others’ homes.
Her Mummy comes to our house every Sunday to collect nine or ten containers of ‘Kangen Water’ for them all to drink during the week. My wife does not charge them for it; it is given away because the health of other people is just as important to us as our own health. Supplying the water costs us far less than the good will and potential friendship that we could develop.
The little girl’s Mum informs us, last week, that the daughter went to hospital with a fever. She is required to go as a precaution.
There was no epilepsy and yet the fever was higher than normal—that said, the fever did not last as long as ‘normal’.
The family came to our house to get more water on Sunday and the little girl was quite perky and curious. Most unusual.

Once again I must stress that I was a sceptic. Severely so.
Now, I hear people tell me that this ‘water’ is no better than ‘snake oil’—a scam. They quote me all kinds of scientific proofs; they tell me all sorts of facts about the body and how it works.
Believe that if you must.
I did.
Now I drink it.
Now I listen to people who drink it.
Now I hear testimonials from an ever-increasing band of souls who drink it and feel better for it.

Perhaps a small lesson should be repeated here.
If you do not care for tattoos—do not get one.
If you do not care for fried calamari squids—do not eat them.
If you do not care for motorcycle gangs—do not join one.
It is the same with products of all kinds. If you think it does not work then do not buy it.

Another lesson here is that you get what you pay for—normally. Buy cheap—get rubbish. 
If you want the best then you have to pay the price. 
You are not going to get a Rolls-Royce or a Bentley for the same price as a Nissan Micra.

My diabetes has gone; the blood pressure is down and I feel better.

Odd thing: Go to the kitchen and drink a couple of large glasses of tap water. You will feel bloated. Drink a couple of same size glasses of ‘Kangen Water’ and you will need a third after a minute or two.
Where does it go?
Ask your ‘scientific friends’ that.

Your choice.
Your life.

Change your water—change your life.

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