Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Sport and Fact

It is entirely possible that I have never, ever, written a ‘Blog’ about football—or, as they call it in the States, soccer.

Well… that’s got that over with.

Professional sport, generally speaking, is a wonderful thing. Whatever it is and whomever you root for it is something to create fervour and favouritism.
It gets the pulses racing and provides entertainment for the masses. Watching it is something that everyone, irrespective of their beliefs or infirmities, can take an enthusiastic part in.
People like to watch cars and motorcycles racing and even boats. We used to spend our time watching boats hurl themselves around a lake. Sadly, our friend, Dave King—who drove a boat called ‘King Thighs’, was killed racing.
There are team sports like soccer, rugby, hockey and lacrosse that are ever popular.
Some sports are slow like snooker and billiards while others are much, much faster as we see in ping-pong… oh… sorry—it’s called ‘Table Tennis’ now, I believe.
There are tennis and badminton addicts just as there are sepak takraw followers.
What about wrestling? Is it really a sport or just acted entertainment? Never mind, a drop from four or five feet is still a drop whether you are acting or not!
Some people adore watching golf on television; there are, I am told, television channels dedicated to it.
In parts of the World there are people who race snails or tiddle for winks even, once a year, speed dig for worms in an International Worm Digging Championship.

There is something for everyone even if it is just sitting in front of a computer doing battle with trolls.
We haven't even touched Winter Sports yet!
Those who know me will wonder why I haven’t mentioned cricket. Because the name ‘Cricket’ should only be mentioned in hushed and awed tones by ‘The Faithful’.
My favourite team, at the moment, is Sri Lanka; the best all-round cricketer of all time has to be Kapil Dev.
This is, you will observe, my opinion that you will say is entirely subjective. You can say that but you will be wrong.
Because it is my opinion it is now chipped into stone as an undeniable fact.
All my opinions resonate with fact. You are not free to have alternative opinions because I am an expert.
In all things.

I can categorically state that the best soccer team—in the World, is Chelsea. The finest soccer player ever was the ‘King of the Bridge’, Peter Osgood with Gianfranco Zola a very close second.
Irrefutable. Facts. Because I have stated them.

I am the authority on all things. It is mine to uphold or discard as I see best fit; mine is the favour and only me.
Everyone else’s opinions or favourites are increasingly irrelevant unless it is a matter in which I have no interest and only then do I permit you some space to form your own ideas.

Thus it is with politicians, some religious leaders, heads of corporations, terrorist cells, etc.
Thus it is with ‘Facebook’.
Ideas, opinions and policies are stated with absolute conviction that theirs is the only way—the right way, no less.
Quibbling, questioning and downright disbelief are damned. Such persons who dare are verbally abused and insulted with the crowing acknowledgement of cronies.
In some societies this can lead to physical abuse or, even, death.
In some societies the words behind their beliefs are twisted to the point of being beyond recognition but are still avidly followed by ‘The Faithful’.

How to break this stranglehold on power and ignorance?
There are so many aphorisms that appear on the Internet; so many wise words and parables; so many quotes from inspirational people that other people accept and nod sagely in agreement and yet those words are not followed unless they conform to the accepted mind-set.

There is no solution. Those in power, those with the loudest voice, those with the most sarcasm will win because nobody wishes to look foolish or weak and yet, in following these leaders blindly they are displaying that weakness.

Only by following me will you be saved. Only by listening to my words and heeding my life instructions will your very existence be successful and satisfying.

Here beginneth the first lesson:
“In the beginning there was only the ‘Bridge’. Then Chelsea appeared on it. Lesser beings appeared alongside—they were ‘Three Point Lane’ and ‘Craving Victory Cottage’ to be peopled by the ‘Spoors’ and the ‘Phlegm’…”

And Spurs are still rubbish.

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