Wednesday, November 18, 2015


You may or may not have noted previously that I have an aversion to most ‘conspiracy theories’.
There has been, however, a couple that have grown very gradually in strength. One of them has already appeared in one of my ‘Blogs’ and so this one must take its turn for fame!
The theory that I am focusing on right now is this ‘Chemtrail’ nonsense.
I am certain that there are those who will object, perhaps vociferously, to my use of the word ‘nonsense’ and yet it appears (to me) to fit very well.
Here’s why.

Before I set off on my explanation I should like to tell you that I have been involved in aviation, in several guises, since 1961 when we spent happy hours at Exeter Airport with the Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve people and their assorted collection of De Havilland Chipmunks, Mosquitoes and Vampires.


There are several reasons why I suggest that the possibility of ‘Chemtrails’ is a non-starter.
Let’s start with the idea of ‘why’.
What is the purpose of ‘Chemtrails’. To date nobody has offered a reasonable explanation as to why anyone would wish to spray chemicals from aircraft at high level to the ground.
That people should wish to spray chemicals at low level is understood. Fertiliser, pesticide, anti-fungal agents are commonplace. These are distributed from helicopters and small crop-spraying aircraft.

Water is sprayed at reasonably low level from flying boats for the purpose of extinguishing fires and, during times of combat, it has been known that defoliants have been sprayed to rid the leaves of trees allowing for a better look at the ground where enemy combatants may be lurking.

Thirty-six thousand feet is considerably extreme for these purposes.

It is likely that any chemical released in the form of small droplets from high altitudes would reach the ground at all. If they did they would be very far from the area where they were released.
The fact is that even fairly viscous liquids would vaporize (turn to gas) long before they reached the ground and that would mean that they would then drift and disperse in the various winds that exist (in different directions and velocities) at sundry altitudes.

Effect of wind, at various altitudes, on ascent and descent of balloons.
They would be largely ineffective before they achieved ground level through dispersal and weakening.

Let us now consider the people who are organising this attack on us from the sky.
Given that the destination of the chemical is going to be largely unknown—even with all the sophistication of computer modelling programmes, and the ‘when’ of its arrival at ground level is also fairly indeterminate, one wonders how the people that order this spraying will avoid, themselves, being sprayed.
It would seem inevitable that the progenitors of this systematic dispersal of toxins would also suffer from its effects.

In spite of a great many people regarding the ‘keeping of secrets’ to be normal for governments Worldwide there is very little that is, in actuality, a real secret. As soon as a group of people know about something there is a distinct chance that the information will leak out. The larger the group the more likely it is that someone will ‘spill the beans’ somewhere in some form.
If ‘Chemtrails’ were a valid option then whispers would abound.
However, assuming that whispers are effectively silenced we must consider another option.
That is:

The prevailing sentiment is that this chemical is being sprayed from commercial aircraft. This hits a major stumbling block immediately.
Fuel burn.
This next sentence is hugely important.
Nothing, ever, is fitted to an aircraft unless it is there to overcome a problem. Nothing.
Spraying people with chemicals does not overcome any problem on a commercial aircraft.
The equipment required to carry the chemical and pump it out to spray nozzles at the appropriate place on the aircraft would be heavy.
It would also be immediately noticeable to the average Maintenance Engineer and Technician.
The weight alone of this equipment, and the chemical, would mean that increased fuel burn would be necessary to get it off the ground. No commercial operator will tolerate that kind of fuel wastage if it is not being used to lift revenue paying cargo or PAX.
If, as it is likely to be claimed, the Government is reimbursing the operator for the fuel loss then this would show up in the financial sheets of the operator or, if it is set against tax, in the tax collectors ledgers.
In other words, another source of information leak!
Any Aircraft Maintenance Engineer, Mechanic or Technician worth his/her salt would recognise extraneous objects on an aircraft immediately. These objects would immediately become famous.

Shall we just assume, for the moment, that the tanks and equipment for spraying chemicals is fitted to an aeroplane?
Who fills it up?
There are apocryphal tales of men carrying mysterious containers out to aircraft. Such men are the ‘only ones permitted to do this’.
These tales derive from strange sources. It goes something like this, “My friend has a cousin whose wife’s Uncle knows someone who…”
Quite. Apocryphal.
These men carrying mysterious containers are more likely to be fellows going out to service the toilets. The container holds nothing more mysterious than disinfectant—probably ‘Racasan’!
Why only one man?
Because most operators will pay people extra money to carry out ‘unsavoury duties’. Clearly they do not want to pay everyone this extra money and so the persons doing this task tend to be limited.
Person who cleans the toilets on aeroplanes

Where this strange idea of ‘Chemtrails came from I do not know. How it is continuously perpetrated on ‘Facebook’ I also do not know.

The burning of hydrocarbon fuels in aero-engines will produce water, carbon dioxide, some carbon monoxide and a very small amount of NOx (Nitrous/Nitric Oxides) gases*. Note: 'Water'. This water will condense in the atmosphere (at certain altitudes) when it is mingled with the cold ambient air.
[Sulphur only exists in gasoline and not kerosene. Petrol engines will produce sulphurous or sulphuric oxides as part of the compbustion process. This will then become, with the addition of water, sulphuric and sulphurous acides - such as will corrode out your exhaust pipe and silencer (muffler).] 
It is also obvious that, at certain altitudes, the wingtip vortices will produce a sufficiently low pressure zone to force water droplets to coalesce out of the atmosphere.
This, then, is the answer.
The chemical that we are being sprayed with is…

DiHydrogen MonOxide.

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