Saturday, November 7, 2015


We had a visit, my wife and I, from a friend who lives in Penang. The fact that Yan, my wife’s schoolmate, drove here from her home is not far short of miraculous.
Let me tell you why.

Some years ago Yan was diagnosed with breast cancer; stage 3++. What I understand is the cancer was just about to spread everywhere else in her body. In spite of having numerous chemotherapy and radiotherapy sessions (more than 20), there appeared to be little hope remaining to her.
Her many friends—did I mention she is a lovely person, rallied around and tried to help. Someone, Rose, suggested that a ‘Kangen Water’ ionizer machine be bought for her.
Not many of them really knew what ‘Kangen Water’ actually was, other than the alkaline property. Now we know that the other two main properties are ‘anti-oxidant', and ‘micro-cluster’. The idea was that ‘it may help’ financially, with Norli’s guidance, because Yan had no income at that point. They all clubbed together and bought a machine for her.
And they prayed.
Only one in this group (Norli) had the ionizer machine at that time.
Yan was at a point in what remained of her life that even lifting her finger was a great effort—occasionally impossible. Going out to the shops was not an option. At one point she was resigned to the idea that she would spend the rest of her life, effectively under house arrest, being cared for by Mum and Dad.
Several months after drinking the ‘Kangen Water’, she started to feel better. Her health continues to improve to the point where the doctors, on her latest routine cancer tests, used the word ‘clear’—she cannot be declared ‘cancer free’ until no signs are apparent for five years.
Now Yan drives to Kuala Lumpur (220 miles) and other states frequently (in her brand new car). Yes, she is now financially stable and planning to build a house in a tranquil village in Balik Pulau, Penang. Sometimes she will wander farther afield. Recently she’s been to Dubai and Japan.
She looks good; she looks healthy and, she says, she feels great! Now she’s looking forward to her US and Europe trips next year.
My diabetes has gone. I feel fine. Old but fine.

There are many nay-sayers out there who dispute the claims made for this Kangen ionizer machine and the many types of water it produces. There are many who will tell you that, but there are many, many, many more that will vouch for the Kangen water. It works.
It is not a miracle. It is science.
It has worked for me and it has worked for Yan. It works for my wife whose debilitating migraine attacks have reduced drastically each month – 99%!
My brother in law, Kamarudin, was diagnosed with Alzheimer late January this year. He was prescribed Aricept etc. We know about Alzheimer because my mom was diagnosed with the debilitating disease in 2008 and she passed away in 2010. We were told that there is ‘no cure’ for Alzheimer.
Kamarudin has also been drinking Kangen water for months. Remember, more than 80% of brain is made up of water. Everytime we visit him, he looks better and better. He hopes to be able to work again. We believe he will.

Coincidence? All of these things?
Pushing the point a bit to say that they are all coincidental, don’t you think?

The scientific fact is that cancer cannot live in an alkaline environment. It enjoys acid. A Nobel prize winner found that out in 1931.
"All normal cells have an absolute requirement for oxygen, but cancer cells can live without oxygen - a rule without exception. "Deprive a cell 35% of its oxygen for 48 hours and it may become cancerous." Dr. Warburg has made it clear that the root cause of cancer is oxygen deficiency, which creates an acidic state in the human body. Dr Warburg also discovered that cancer cells are anaerobic (do not breathe oxygen) and cannot survive in the presence of high levels of oxygen, as found in an alkaline state.
The ROOT CAUSE of CANCER - Nobel Prize Winner Dr.Otto H Warburg

It enjoys the acid consumed in carbonated drinks and some water sold in plastic bottles (Note: some of these waters are fine. You would have to test them to see which are bad for you and which are benign).
A scientific fact is that the human body is made up, largely, of water. This is incontestable.
Logically, you should drink the best water that the body needs. That would be micro-clustered, ionized, alkaline water that is very high in anti-oxidant.

You may believe, or not, as is your right but if you don’t try you will never know.

If you want to know more about the Kangen water, no matter where you are in the world, contact me and I will be happy to share more information with you … It helps us. I know it will help you too.

You can email me at or WhatsApp us on +6-019-2878174 (David) and +6-013-2017850(Kay).

About the company / Kangen Water

Dr. Corinne Allen - Your Brain on Water

Dr. Tim McKnight - The Skeptical Physician and Alkaline Water.

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