Thursday, December 17, 2015

Fast Food

Note that the following is my personal view and, for the most part,  my opinions.

At some point in the recent past I referred to a popular fast food chain as producing what I described as ‘toxic waste’.
Of course, this was not intended as a specific description based on any sort of fact but, rather, is my sentiment regarding my dislike for that particular product.

Any widely franchised fast food, slow service, is an anathema to me. Having tried to eat at these places in the past has merely reinforced my belief that such establishments should be avoided at all costs.
Because they rarely produce anything worth eating.
Strange how they look so appetising in the picture! 

Let me just enlarge on that for a moment.
I have the great fortune to live in a warm, friendly country called Malaysia. One of the benefits of living here is that there is a wealth—plethora, if you will, of wonderful food outlets everywhere.
I sit typing this in a part of the country known as Kota Bharu in the North-East State of Kelantan where there are superb dishes available all of which are sheer pleasure on the palate.
In other areas there are also delicious items readily available—each State and region has its own delicacies to tempt the taste buds, a curry, for example, in one part of the country is different to the same curry sampled in another part of the country.
A version of the wonderful 'Nasi Lemak' at half the price of a burger.

Then we come to the fast food chains.
Their product is, to me, bland—tasteless. The helpings are small when compared with the price. Some fast food outlets are ridiculously priced when the size of the helping is considered.

But what of the idea that these products are ‘toxic’?
Recently a description of the contents of a famous outlet’s foodstuffs was posted to put the idea across that they had been misrepresented to the public. They wished to put the record straight; to assure us that their burgers were good for us, that they contained only the best ingredients.
The problem with this proclamation was what was not said. One of the things they told us about was the use of ‘pink slime’, which is reclaimed meat, gristle and cartilage from animal carcasses that have already been stripped of usable meat. The recovered ‘meat’ is usually hydraulically removed by high-pressure water jets and then ground up to form the infamous ‘pink slime’.
They told us that ‘pink slime’ is not used in their meat patties because it is illegal in most countries. My instant response is, “What about the countries where it is legal?” Nothing was mentioned about that.
It is true that the patties taste differently in different countries. Those for sale here in Malaysia are required to be halal; one wonders if those sold in Texas are also halal? Doubtful.

There was also a discourse on the use of chemicals as colouring and preservatives.
These additives are, they tell us, perfectly safe as they have been approved by the Food and Drug Administration of the United States of America.
I am now filled with panic.
The FDA have passed a substance called ‘Melatonin’ as safe. It can be obtained, in the USA, over the counter freely as an aid to overcome jet lag—a disturbance in the Circadian Rhythms experienced by long distance travellers.
High Dose Melatonin Tablets

Melatonin is a hormone that occurs in every living cell—plants, animals, fish, fungus, microbes, us. How bad can it be?
Let’s look at the side effects of taking it:
Some unwanted effects in some people, especially at high doses (~3mg/day or more) may include: headaches, nausea, next-day grogginess or irritability, hormone fluctuations, vivid dreams or nightmares, reduced blood flow, and hypothermia.”
It should be noted that, in most countries around the World, this substance is either available only on prescription or it is illegal. It is, for example, banned in Canada and illegal in the European Union.
The FDA have also approved the use of several of ‘Monsanto’s’ products that are banned in an increasing number of countries.
So can we trust their, the FDA’s, decisions on the preservatives and colourings used in the fast-food chain products?
You can make your own decisions on that, of course, but I choose to avoid it.

I firmly believe that eating at a fast food establishment is to take in food that the human body is not adapted to eat. We have enzymes in our digestive tract that have been developed over a very long time to deal with specific food sources and these burgers are not one of them.
If I was completely honest I would say that the only fast food chain that I will patronise is ‘Subway’. At least they have flavour and wholesome fillings.
Even if their ‘Twelve-Inch’ sandwich is only 11” long*!

12" 'Subway' 

 *There is a viral Internet gossip that says 'Subway' 12" sandwiches are short by 1". 'Subway' say they are looking into standardising and ensuring that all their 12" sandwiches really are 'Footlong'!

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