Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Silly Old Moo in the Back!

The photographs, below, were taken at some unknown location in Malaysia. They depict a car, a Toyota Vios, I believe, with plates indicating that it was registered in the State of Pahang.

Please examine the photographs carefully.

At some point in your perusal of these pictures it will have occurred to you that the passengers, in the rear of the car, are unusual. Well, you may regard them as being unusual where you come from.
These are depictions of the sort of intellectual level that we have come to expect of people operating vehicles Worldwide.
Nothing, it might seem, surprises us any more.
Two cattle in the back of a small family saloon are what we have come to expect. It comes as no surprise to see such a car being used to transport livestock about the countryside.
Clearly the owner of these animals has considered their safety very carefully. Note that they are belted in so as not to break the law with regard to rear seat passengers or, indeed, ‘insecure loads’.
Of course, it now leads us to wonder, since the belts used were from the front seats, what safety features the driver (and passenger? Was there one?) was relying upon for his/her on security.

Yes, yes! It is unlikely that the driver was a female. She would only have put one cow in the back.

It is almost possible to imagine the scene, “Yes, constable, we have done this many times and never had an accident.”
It only takes once.
But there’s the rub, is it not? They have done this ‘many times’. It is not too much of a stretch of the imagination to believe that this is true. That this is not the first time that cattle have been carted around in the back of a small car.

What is worrying is that this is, very likely, not the only person doing this. How many other people are wandering around the countryside with cars containing who knows what?

My fear is that we shall go up to the Cameron Highlands shortly and see a Range Rover on the way down with an elephant in the boot. Not to mention a Tapir in the front seat and a family of Pangolins in the rear!

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