Wednesday, December 30, 2015

You Are Simply The Best

An exceptionally good person, a man, posted a comment on ‘Facebook’ that demonstrated that he was feeling a little ‘low’.
Perhaps his self-confidence had failed him—temporarily, we hope; or, perhaps, he was just feeling that the World was against him.
We all get that from time to time. Even the strongest person in the World has doubts occasionally. Nobody is on top of everything all the time.

I made a comment to him that is a truism. It is so true that we often don’t think of it. In the same way that really simple things can sometimes evade our thoughts due to their absolute simplicity.
It is this idea that makes ‘Occam’s Razor’ so difficult to achieve.
The comment was this, “You are the best person that you know.”
Of course. Obvious, isn’t it? Stands to reason, doesn’t it? Everybody knows that, don’t they?
Apparently not. Nevertheless, it remains perfectly true.

We can sometimes think that we know other people. We grow up with someone or we live with someone for a long period thus we believe that we know that person. 
But we do not.
The only person we know for sure is ourselves and, even then, we are often deceived. Our minds work in mysterious ways where we often remember what should have happened rather than what actually did happen.
Memories are distorted, our minds fill in the gaps and that gives us a false recollection of people, places, events and times.
Even so, we still know ourselves better than we know anyone else.

We may, for example, find ourselves wishing we were someone else.
We may decide that we should rather be someone rich, successful, famous, handsome or popular.
The problem with that is that we have no idea what devils they have running around in their heads. What is it that upsets them, drives them to drink, drugs, desperate measures to seek ever more elaborate thrills.
What depressions were in the head of celebrities who took their own lives?
The person you wish to be may be, as so many have, on the verge of suicide.
There have been a few over the recent years. People who have all the qualities that make them the source of envy or jealousy from the masses.
The ‘masses’ are you and me.
Why should we want to be them?
It is far better to be ourselves—warts and all, as they say, than to be someone else with their baggage and mental diseases.
(I use the term ‘diseases’ here advisedly: if you are not ‘at ease’ then you are ‘dis-eased’ is how I interpret it.)

This means that it can only be true that you are the best person that you know. If you are, as indeed you must be, the best then you should be proud of being you.
You may not be highly qualified, wealthy, high ranking, popular, hugely successful or literate but you are still the best.
Other people are different; other people have other qualities, desires, aims, ambitions, but that does not make them better than you—only different.

Know, then, that whoever or whatever you are I admire you. You are still here with us. You are a survivor. Irrespective of your personal beliefs and motivations:

You are the best.

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