Thursday, May 10, 2018

Voting Day + One

All the votes are counted, the results are known but the scheming and infighting goes on.

We had expected that the incumbent Prime Minister and his cronies would be desperate to cling on to their positions. They would never wish to leave behind either the power or the wealth that their power contributed to them gaining.
So it has arisen. The plotting.

We now learn that the Prime Minister has said that only one party has the votes necessary to form a new Government; only one party has a distinct majority – the coalition parties are irrelevant since they did not garner sufficient votes individually to beat Barisan Nasional (BN).

Now it is up to the King. The Yang di Pertuan Agong Muhammed V of Kelantan is the current ruler since the Sultans of each State take it in turns to be King of all Malaysia.
Sadly, it seems that the King and the head of the winning coalition group do not get along very well.
Will the King use logic and concede to the will of the people or will he go with the incumbent Prime Minister, Najib Razak, and request the Barisan Nasional to form the new government post General Election (GE) 14?

The population is now on tenterhooks.
We were supposed to have been informed shortly after five o’clock but it is now six-thirty and we have yet to hear anything officially.
The general consensus is that Tun Mahathir will head up the new government as Prime Minister. We await further news.

The question that then remains is: What happens to Najib Razak and his fellows who used to be in power?
Will they be arrested?

We also wonder at the possible rifling of files and wiping of hard-drives in the governmental offices in the gap between Tun Mahathir and his people being recognised as the new rulers, should that be the case, and then actually taking up their positions?
We remember also the missing funds from sundry budgets that happened when PKR took over from BN in Selangor State; what are the repercussions of a similar thing happening in Putrajaya should someone have a sudden burst of guilt over 1MDB and other financial side shows – not least of which would be some questions over the purchase of a certain submarine and the death of one Mongolian lady.

Interesting times

At the moment all is quiet. Let us hope that it remains so.

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