Monday, May 28, 2018

Open Season on Muslims!

“K****** H***: Yes come on Don[ald Trump] get rid of the filthy scumbags .Make it "open" season on getting rid of muslims and put a 10cent reward on each one that's shot.”
This was an open post on ‘Facebook’.
Appalling, no?
It was all about this sentiment:
“Muslims from USA: We will try to impeach President Donald Trump. We need to bring Sharia Law into American culture. Do you support Trump if he deport all of them?
You will immediately observe that there was no intent stated to make Sharia Law the law of the land. It was an intent to bring it into the American culture just as Hebraic, or Halakha, Law is part of the American culture now. Hebraic Law is only observable by Jews just as Syaria Law only applies to Muslims. 
Who it is that Trump is supposed to deport is not clear.
The response on the (somewhat biased) website: 
This form of malice inside our nation is effectively attempting to get Trump impeached and put a liberal ‘doll’ into control so they can pick up the capacity to execute Sharia Law in our nation!
The Council on American-Islamic Relations-(CAIR) needs to have Sharia Law brought into American culture, so they can turn Islam into taking control over the nation and the world somewhen [sic].
Their mission is to enslave ladies and do what they need from them, in addition actualizing numerous other inhuman measures.

After President Trump got into office, they have been having an intense time of things because of his strike on radical Islam and illegal migration, so they are at the moment calling for Trump to be dismissed.

Everything was going so smooth and easy with Obama, and they though that with Hillary there will be more of the same. Unfortunately for them, Donald Trump won the election and ruined their chances.

I was curious to see the paragraph that stated, “Their mission is to enslave ladies and do what they need from them, in addition actualizing numerous other inhuman measures.
From whence cometh this mission statement, which is severely at odds with the concept of Sharia Law?

My response:
Do you understand 'Syaria' law? Do you understand the difference between 'Syaria' and 'Hudud' law?
I suspect a little research might be necessary before anyone gets too agitated about this.
I was immediately vilified.
There was a suggestion that I should leave their country alone and that Syrian [sic] Law is inapplicable in the US.
Curiously, the fellow who posted the comment at the top of the page is also not from the US, but his comment is acceptable. Odd.

There was no intention in any of my comments to ride roughshod over anyone else’s beliefs let alone their Nation. It just goes to show that people will read what they want to read rather than what is actually said.

Given the current state of America and its leadership it is entirely possible that a bit of Syaria Law might be useful.

It is also sad that a person who comes from what is purported to be a civilised and educated country could call for ‘open season’ on followers of another belief.
Once again, I should call our attention to an earlier ‘Blog’:

We are as we think. Possibly even more so than as we do!

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