Tuesday, May 1, 2018


There are times when somebody on social media decides to post a video. I have nothing against people posting videos – some of them are intriguing and often they are interesting.
If I see the post that has been shared is prefaced with, for example, ‘NTD Television’ then I do not watch it because it starts with ten seconds (prior to the statement: 'Skip Ad') of advertising video.
Similarly, if I am watching a video that someone has posted and there is an announcement that the video will continue after the advert, then I shall abandon watching the video.
Yes, yes. I know that ten seconds is not very long but six videos and a minute is wasted.

My time on social media is limited. It is limited because I am very old now and the time remaining in my life is likely to be equally limited. 
I do not wish to spend what time that does remain to me watching adverts for products that I have no interest in purchasing. If I want something specific I shall go to a store and purchase that something directly. 
Occasionally I shall buy something from Amazon or a similar online site but that occurs rarely.
For this same reason I have resisted the need to 'monetise' this 'Blog' space.

In this same manner, I do not enter into a chat with people I do not know. They, occasionally, become abusive but that is then their problem and not mine.

Time is precious. I choose to spend it in the way that will enhance the quality of my life.
Very often that means that I have my head down over the keyboard pounding out the words to another story or, maybe, a ‘Blog’ like this one.
Time is also required to liaise with my family. We may wish to go out all together to eat or to go shopping for bits and pieces necessary for the smooth running of the household.

Time is valuable.
The older you get the more you realise that time is not to be wasted.
It matters not one jot if time is linear or whether it is curved or if a past moment is really another ‘present’ – as was projected on social media a little while ago in the immediate past! Time is precious.
To me.

On this May 1st, 2018, I should also like to pass on my best wishes to all those ladies who are about to give birth. It seems that this is their day.

Their time.

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