Sunday, April 29, 2018

Miss Sherlock

I spent a leisurely hour just recently watching ‘ASTRO TV'. Because I was at a complete loss as to what to watch I decided, in the end, to see what came up at random.
Lo and behold, a Japanese production appeared entitled ‘Miss Sherlock’ listed on HBO. It was labeled as 'Series 1 Episode 1'
Who could resist?
Stunned into looking at it I made the appropriate selection and was entranced by how awkwardly the whole thing was assembled.
In the first episode – the only one that I have had the courage to watch, a man’s stomach explodes at the airport while he was greeting one of his ex-colleagues back from her stint in Syria.
The young lady is suitably shocked as was his wife when she appeared. By the time the senior detective had attempted to console them the body had been removed.
Curiously, the need was now to get an identification of the body. One wonders why the young doctor returning to Japan from Syria could not have provided this. But… no. The colleague and the wife were ushered into a side room at the airport where another woman was digging around in the dead man’s belly!
This new character was introduced as ‘Sherlock’, who claimed that speed was of the essence in looking for clues and that she did not want the body messed up by some inadequate junior pathologist.
And so we go on. The sub-titles were adequate – probably. I say ‘probably’ because my knowledge of Japanese (nil) prohibited me from making an accurate judgement.
Of course, this Sherlock entered her apartment that was numbered 221B. The landlady did not give her name but I did wonder how they were going to get ‘Miss Hudson’ into the local language!
At this point another young man’s stomach exploded. 
Sherlock decides that a capsule had been administered to both parties. The capsule was designed for pharmaceutical purposes but had been modified into a bomb using a substance known as ‘Devil’s Brew’, or some such nonsense.
Considering the size of the capsule and the amount of damage inflicted this ‘Devil’s Brew’ must be enormously effective.
So it went on… and on… and on…
Until, at last the case was solved. The wife did it but, it seems, under the influence of another, unknown, person.
I smell the appearance, at some point, of the dreaded Moriarty.

Incredible coincidence when Sherlock’s brother appears and is said to be involved at a high level in some secretive Government Department.
The young doctor who returned from Syria does not wish to continue her career in medicine. Surprise. Her hotel burns down, she has nowhere to go. Surprise. Stunningly, she is to be looked after by Sherlock – at the insistence of Sherlock’s brother. I did not hear the name ‘Mycroft’ anywhere so I suspect that has been glossed over.
What I did hear, at the end, is that the young doctor announced that her name is Wato. Sherlock’s brother immediately referred to her as… wait for it… you will not believe this… yes!!! He called her ‘Wato-san’, the Doctor!

Good grief!

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