Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Syria 1

For a considerable time we have been deluged with news about Syria.
That news has been variously reported in the media both public and social.
We have been assured that much of what we see is fake, that actors have made it up and been videoed or photographed in situations that will tug at our heart strings.
We are, equally, assured that each participant is telling the truth and that each action is justified.
There is news that oil is at the bottom of the whole thing. It is, we are told with great assurance, necessary to defeat the evil Bashar Assad.
The Turks, in this instance, are to be trusted because they are on the side of the ‘good’ guys; the Iranians are, by definition, ‘bad’ guys and are not to be trusted.
Fingers have been pointed at everyone from every angle.
It has become evident that the Chinese are moving in with military support for the Russians who are supporting the regime of Assad.
There is an assurance that he, Assad, has used chemical weapons against his own people. There is also assurance that this is false, that he has not used these chemical weapons and that it is the rebels, who are supported by the US coalition forces, that have used chemical weapons.

There is no doubt that truth is a stranger to this as it is with many wars.
There is no possibility of picking out the reality that weaves in and out of what we hear and see. Whatever media is consulted will tell you what their particular government is promoting and that is what they see as ‘the truth’.
There will be an insistence that ‘God is with us in this holy war against evil’. Do you remember that the Wehrmacht (the German Army) in World War Two had ‘Gott Mit Uns’ (God is with us) inscribed on their belt buckles as they went about rounding up criminals, retarded people, coloureds, prostitutes, enemies of the State, Catholics and Jews to be exterminated.

In order to promote the ‘Greater Israel’ there has to be a possibility that somewhere entangled in the Syrian situation there is a Zionist or Israeli finger in the pie. The pie that is, in this angle, being baked by the USA and its coalition partners.

If we were to be completely honest about this and disregard the fact – the only real truth, that Europe is being inundated with refugees some of whom have fled from death in Syria we should know that behind the struggle for existence is the idea that there are political and corporate strings being pulled to promote their own greed.
Oil? Maybe but I am not convinced. It is too much of an overweening argument that has certainly been true in other combat arenas but this one? 
Someone is gaining financially and in terms of political power. The major players are eyeing each other over the participants and scrabbling in the debris that the weapons are leaving behind for points to support their claims.

Do we know what is happening and why?
No. We do not.
We have opinions based on what we hear and see in the media but that is not to be relied upon for facts. 
There is only one truth that we know for sure because people are running from it in fear of their lives and that is that people are dying.

Every time you hear that someone is bombing some city or supply depot or other then you know that someone is underneath it. That someone is dying or maimed and screaming for help that is unlikely to come.
Some of those that are ripped apart in this indiscriminate mass murder are children.

Why risk troops when we can send in bombers and drones?
That way we do not see the innocents – men, women and children, being torn apart and crushed under falling masonry; we are blissfully unaware of their bodies being turned to soup by shock waves from heavy weapons.

We are inured to the pain and suffering because the reports are just words in the newspaper or on the TV. The pictures are just smoke rising, the noises are just bangs like big fireworks.

Unless you are underneath it.

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