Friday, April 6, 2018

America the Second Rate

When I was a boy and right up to the mid sixties I was strongly aware, through relatives and friends primarily, that one should always buy British made goods. The only discernable reason for this was that they were… well… British.
There was an inferred idea of quality to this. Something that was British made will last because it is… well… British.
Previously I made mention of the idea that a person would not simply buy an Austin motorcar. No, no! One would ‘invest in an Austin’.
Quality. Made to last. British manufacturers rested on these laurels without realising that the rest of the World was not only catching up but had done so.
Indeed, there has been much about the World we live in that has lasted and was also ‘Made in Britain’. Railways, spring to mind, and their associated infrastructure.
In Sudan I was asked, somewhat wistfully, if the British were returning. The person asking told me that when the British occupied Sudan they had education, school nurses, medical care, the railway system worked. Now? No more.
In other countries the infrastructure is still apparent. In Malaysia and Singapore, for example, and not least in Hong Kong. In these places there is much that is still distinctly British.
In other ex-colonies this ‘Britishness’ has been all but wiped out. Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Zimbabwe, for example, have had the civilisation beaten out of them by tribal interaction and warfare that extends into the politics.
British manufacturing has been overtaken by better systems and designs from Germany and Japan - both countries that were thoroughly beaten after World War Two.

The British vacuum has been filled by the United States and China. China is overrunning many parts of the World economically by offering soft loans that they know cannot be repaid. The loans are for development projects that, in some cases, the victim country does not need.

The US is trampling over everyone by spreading left-wing propaganda and social disease.
Most countries now will show American made movies and TV series. Every one of these shows will embody the psyche of the United States.
How many TV series and films are you aware of that, for some unexplained reason, proclaim homosexuality? In every case it is not relevant to the plot and neither is the display of nudity that peppers every production.
Quite often we see American police or FBI or some Government agency go to another country where they take over an investigation and use firearms at will.
They are brainwashing us into believing that the US is always right. They are indicating that the US is the only country that knows the right way to go in terms of civilisation.
You can depend on the good old US of A and their good old know-how.

It is a myth. It is a myth that has been built and perpetuated by Hollywood.
American forces, brave though they undoubtedly are, cannot hold a light to the average European trained military. I’m sorry if that hurts, but it is the truth.
Special forces from Britain, Germany, France and Russia are far superior. You hear little of them under normal circumstances because they are singularly effective.

Sadly for America your respect in the World has diminished since the loss of President Obama.
Many Americans seem to hold some sort of hatred towards him, Obama, but in the rest of the World he was considered reasonable – a Statesman.
Your current President… well… not so much so.

America has tried to take over the reins of World Leader from Britain but has ended up as a second-class substitute. Lessons have not been learned by the example set by British diplomats and Trade emissaries, for example.

Harsh words that may need subtitles but words that need to be said.


  1. As usual David, you hit it square on the nose.

    1. Thank you. A complete explanation would have been far too long for a 'Blog' such as this so these are, by necessity - and as stated, examples.
      One could also mention the fact that the US dislikes a level playing field for trade as exemplified by the Third Party Rights for Pacific Rim Airlines, which was introduced after WWII as reparations for America's expense in conducting the war effort but adversely affects other participants in the war effort like Australia, New Zealand and Canada as well as being somewhat punitive agains indigenous people's of other Nations that fought a guerrilla war against the oppressive enemy.
      The list goes on...

  2. I agree with every word you say David, also a fair fight american style involves 5 american against a lone opponent.

    1. Thank you, Colin.
      I have to say that I have nothing against the average American person. All this is a reflection on their governance. I have many American friends who are dear to me and their situation is, to me, intolerable - especially with their (lack of) medical care.
