Friday, April 27, 2018

Cameron Highlands

Stepped out of the car outside of the ‘Copthorne Hotel’ into 17˚C.
Now, for those of you that are in the throes of recovering from a mini ice age that temperature, which is the equivalent of 63˚F, would be somewhat blissful.
Let me explain to you that when you live in a tropical paradise the temperature suddenly plunging to near zero is traumatic.
There was a sudden desire to check in as rapidly as possible and throw myself under a nice soft, warm duvet and hibernate!

The reason we decided to visit the Cameron Highlands was that we had dropped off my Mother-in-Law to be looked after temporarily by her son. We also thought it would be nice to visit with our small ‘granddaughter’, Jannah.
From Right: Baharuddin, Mak, Jannah and Me
Having accomplished that errand there was a need to restock with vegetables – with which the Highlands are replete.
My beloved is in the mood for ‘juicing’. A term that is unfamiliar to me but involves pressing sundry vegetables into a machine that turns them into a drink. It is my steadfastly held opinion that it would be much more efficient, and less wastage involved, if you were to eat the whole vegetable in the first place.
But, hey! I’m a Philistine when it comes to diets and food. Light of my Life is an acknowledged expert in the preparation of raw materials into magnificent repasts.

Thus we pointed the car in the direction of Simpang Pulai and headed up the hills to the summit. Well, nearly the summit. My Toyota Estima can hardly be considered to have the same kind of versatility as an off-roader, which would be needed to get to the actual peak of the Highlands.

Thus I leapt out of the car and almost instantly froze to death on the steps of the ‘Copthorne’. Fortunately the staff are ever friendly and efficient and sped our bags up to the room on the 13th floor – yes, there is a 13th floor here and not a 12Ath floor.

Instead of getting under the covers we slid gently on the forming ice down to the ‘Old Town White Coffee’ for a warming bowl of mee curry and then raced back to the room and, happily, sleep.
'Old Town' Mee Curry

After a wonderful breakfast in a Malay café in Kea Farms the next day we went into harvesting mode. This was interspersed with a visit to a lovely couple who are in the process of having their new house built in Tanah Rata – and a magnificent edifice it is, too.
Breakfast Cafe in Kea Farms

One of the Veggie Stalls in Kea Farms

One of the signs in a Veggie Stall

(Hey! It's better than my Chinese writing!)

Part of Beloved’s joy in finding ‘Mushroom Starter Kits’ at ‘S’Corner’ was dampened slightly by taking over an hour (nearly an hour and a quarter) to drive from Tanah Rata (also to get the delicious tea bags from the ‘Bharat’ teahouse on the main road towards Ringlet) back to the ‘Copthorne’!
Lesson learnt! Do not, ever, go to the Cameron Highlands on Friday, Saturday or Sunday.
Lunch at the ‘Smokehouse’ was cancelled due to difficulties in travelling instead we turned back towards Simpang Pulai and left Cameron Highlands for Kuala Lumpur.
The Smokehouse Hotel, Cameron Highlands

Lunch had to wait for a late one at Tapah Services where we had a lovely mee rebus at ‘Pak Tam’ and then resume the journey through absolutely torrential rain. Fortunately, Light of my Life was driving that part so I was able to sleep through it.

The kitchen floor is now covered in vegetables so I guess it’s veggie pie on the menu tomorrow.

Can’t wait. It is almost an addiction!

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