Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Alien Visitation

Ever since the arrival of Mr Trump in the White House the chat about alien visitation has died down somewhat.
It seems that people have better things to worry about now.
Perhaps the new President has decreed that alien visits are fake news or, maybe, that he has threatened them with some kind of aerial wall…

Be that as it may we have to conclude that, apart from one or two fake incidents involving UFOs, things on the extra-terrestrial front have faded.
Which brings me to three things that I have observed about these visits from deep space. Well, there are more but we shall restrict ourselves to those for the sake of brevity.

Firstly, there are abductions.
I am deeply suspicious about this. It seems that, by and large, the only reason that anyone remembers being abducted by aliens is when they are hypnotised by an expert in alien abductions.
One wonders if the similarity in the stories is more as a result of the hypnotist rather than actual experience?
Of course, we do not belittle the trauma of the victims who believe absolutely in their experience. For them it is as real as anything else they have been told that they have experienced.
Coupled with this is the idea that many people have been in trouble for child abductions and abuse. We know that a father was sentenced and gaoled for several years for the sexual abuse of his child; it wasn’t until he had served a considerable time in prison that it was discovered that he was innocent. The whole thing had been drawn out of the child through hypnosis. The hypnotist had influenced the child in his ‘memories’.
I have nothing against hypnotism. Indeed, I am aware that it has resulted in great benefits to many individuals who have succumbed to the wiles of the tobacco manufacturers as well as other therapeutic cases.
What I should like to happen is for these two sets of ‘experts’ to cross over. The child abuse hypnotherapists should swap with the alien abductee hypnotists.
Perhaps we shall then get a rash of aliens abducting people for sexual malpractices.

Secondly, it is fairly certain that any object that is retrieved from an alien craft could be identified as such by a few simple laboratory tests. The probability of any alien substance having the same signature as something created on Earth is quite remote. The isotopes will be different. Those that say that they have implants in them as a result of experimentation on board a spacecraft could have those items tested; this would almost certainly reveal their unearthly origins. Why don’t abductees ever grab something to bring back as proof?
This strikes me as being in the same boat as psychic visitations from beyond the grave. Uncle Arthur will tell you that he is happy where he is and that Satan is treating him well, thank you. But Uncle Arthur will never tell you anything important like, for example, that the money is taped to the bottom of the third drawer down in Granny’s chest of drawers. Or how to achieve atomic fusion, defeat gravity, cure cancer…

Thirdly, if you have gone to the enormous expense of travelling from some distant star – and make no mistake, that kind of trip is going to break the bank, then you will want to do a bit more than flutter around a couple of neighbourhoods to frighten the locals to death or perform some nimble aerobatics to impress us Neanderthals.
It is likely that you may want to refuel. Certainly you will want to shake hands with these primitives on Earth and take a couple of ‘selfies’ for your Betelgeusian ‘Facebook’ page.

The old song about the chances of anyone coming from Mars are a million to one against ring ever more true with interstellar travel. No one has been here from a distant star. Perhaps we have been visited by people from the future or from another dimension but Sirius? No. Not really.

Are there people out there? Certainly. Are they like us? I hope not – for their sakes!

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