Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Energy and the Glass Mug

Last night a strange thing happened.
Sitting on the settee watching something on ‘Netflix’ I was holding the handle of a ‘Bodum’ mug in my right hand with the base of the mug resting on the back of my left hand.
We, my wife and I, heard a ‘clicking’ sort of ‘pop’ and my left hand suddenly became hot and wet.
Immediately – because I have the reflexes of a coiled snake, I reached over and put the mug on a tray that was to my left on the coffee table where it gradually emptied out.
First thought? ‘Oh, no! What a waste of tea!’
Second thought? ‘What on Earth happened here?’

There had been no pressure on the mug. The mug was, in truth, probably around thirteen or fourteen years old. The tea had been brewing in the pot for more than ten minutes so it was nowhere near boiling temperature, which ‘Bodum’ designed the glass of the mug to withstand.
Appearances to the contrary, there are no pieces missing. Everything was contained inside the composite plastic framework of the handle. Of course, the glass cannot be removed from the 'frame' now without it breaking up into a multitude of pieces!
Is it possible that my heightened emotions had searched out the nearest weak link to focus my energy upon?
I have no answers.

I have a crazed ‘Bodum’ mug.

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