Tuesday, March 27, 2018

South Africa

The expropriation of land without compensation should be among the mechanisms available to government to give effect to land reform and redistribution.”
Cyril Ramaphosa

Things such as corruption is (sic) a big thing in the ANC.”
Cyril Ramaphosa

We are building a country where a person's prospects are determined by their own initiative and hard work and not by the colour of their skin, place of birth, gender, language, or income of their parents.”
Cyril Ramaphosa

As the ANC, we have got to condemn violence as a method of addressing our differences and disputes amongst us.
Cyril Ramaphosa

“Some say the Constitution has robbed us of a proper land redistribution process. Others would want to look at other clauses. Well, it's South Africa. Everything is transparent and open for debate.”
Cyril Ramaphosa

"Whites must leave the keys of their tractors & houses because we want them!"
"Umlungu (white scum) must go to Australia quietly!" 
Julius Malema of the communist EFF party on how the white minority in South Africa should be treated.

"Cape Town - Racism will consume South Africa unless something is done soon, FF Plus leader Pieter Mulder said in the National Assembly on Wednesday. 
But when a University of Cape Town student wore a T-shirt that said, "kill all whites", it was considered debate.
"We've totally lost the plot," he said.
When Mulder read the T-shirt's handwritten slogan of "kill all whites", some MPs shouted, "Yes! Yes!"
Fellow FF Plus MP Pieter Groenewald complained to Speaker Baleka Mbete about this and demanded that those who shouted it own up and withdraw the remark.
"Because it's unacceptable that I sit in this Parliament and I must hear that all whites must be killed."
Nobody took Mbete up on her offer to withdraw.
Mulder said all political groups and business leaders should get together to get through the crisis."

As a resident of another Nation and a British National I have no voice in the debate that is going on in, and about, South Africa.
It is not for me to say neither what should or should not be done nor how they are to do it.
But that does not preclude me from having an opinion. Is that opinion justified? That is up to you to consider. It is entirely possible that your views on the matter are different to mine – and that is fine. We, each of us, has a different mind-set that will see a problem in another light.

I have, above, listed some of the quotes from the President, Cyril Ramaphosa, and another from a member of the Communist Party of South Africa (the EFF), one Julius Malema. Following the quotes there is a report on the happenings in Parliament.
You will, very likely, say that I have ‘cherry-picked’ the quotes to suit my argument and that Cyril Ramaphosa has recently come out in the media as saying that there will be no taking land from white farmers without compensating them. That is true.
It is small comfort to the farmers who are being savaged on an almost daily basis by marauding gangs.
It is possible that these gangs have taken to heart some of the things that their leaders have said. It is also possible that these people who comprise such gangs are merely poverty stricken individuals who, in another place, would be robbing grocery stores and petrol stations.

The fact remains that there are many displaced white farmers and white workers who have been plunged into the status of ‘white trash’ through no, or little, fault of their own.
The Government must do something about the wave of lawlessness and corruption that has swept South Africa since the departure of Nelson Mandela or follow Zimbabwe, whose policies they are echoing, into grievous bankruptcy.

South Africa is a stunningly beautiful Nation – as are many of the African States. Kenya and Zambia are among the finest places to visit and admire in the World.
The cricket series in South Africa has been well worth watching - notwithstanding the Australian leadership scandal, and gives an impression of peace and tranquillity that is belied by the headlines in some of the World’s media.

As I said, this is just my opinion. You are equally at liberty to express yours, which I shall read with great interest.

In the meantime, my sorrow is extended to all those great people of all shades who inhabit the country. Those who are directly oppressed and those who have had a shadow cast over them because of the behaviour of their peers.

My thoughts are with you; my hopes are that you will find an equable solution so that you may all go back to living in peace and prosperity – regardless of race or colour.

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