Sunday, March 18, 2018


As a prologue to this ‘Blog’ I should emphasise, again, that I have nothing against Jews, per se. Zionists and Israel are another matter.
* * * * *
There has been, for some time now, a number of vitriolic attacks upon the sitting President of the United States.
These attacks originate, primarily, from the citizens of that country who appear to have supreme confidence in the rest of the World sharing their view.
There is no doubt that he is caustic and arrogant. He has insulted several other countries and their leaders – some on a personal basis. He is not welcome, by and large, in the United Kingdom if the general views in the social media are to be believed.
Of course, the social media is an unreliable source of information at best. Often the most vociferous are in the minority and it is because of their lack of numbers they present their case the loudest. If you have a poor argument then you must shout and harangue to ensure that you have the best chance of winning.
To return to this Mr Trump, we should at first see how he compares with other, previous, Presidents.
In the immediate past there are many uncomplimentary comments rendered unto Mr Barack Obama who was, if you recall, the 44th President of the United States.
Many of these comments that are aimed at Mr Obama have been directed at the unveiling of his and his wife’s, Michelle, portraits.
They point, it is said, to his uncivilised upbringing. They indicate that he is uneducated and, worse, racist.
And yet this Mr Trump is worse, it seems.
It was President Bush Jr. who dragged the USA into war with sundry countries around the World. Liberating Kuwait under Mr George Bush Senior was, possibly, acceptable if we ignore the idea that Saddam Hussein was lured by the US into invading in the first place. The follow-up was less than reasonable by any standards based, as it certainly was, on false and misleading information.
Afghanistan and Libya followed and then, ultimately, the Syrian conflict was certainly a problem created by an American Administration. Lies and misinformation notwithstanding one only has to cast a casual eye over the situation to understand who it was that had anything to gain – even more so now that it has become general knowledge that Mr Assad was not in possession of the chemicals that we were assured he used on his own people. There is no doubt that he caused the death of thousands of his people, this is not in question.
That Americans regarded revenge for the damage done to their New York structures on the Eleventh of July, 2001 (11 / 7 / 2001 in the rest of the World dating system) is also not in question. Certainly, any right-minded civilisation should want – nay, require, compensation in kind for that attack on their soil.
Slaughtering thousands of non-combatants and their leadership and taking away the rights of an entire religious group is probably not the right way to achieve that revenge.
Pursuing that idea we should then consider the actions, or inactions, of previous Presidents.
Since 1948 the United States has put a protective arm around Israel.
Lord Balfour, who instigated the whole plan in the first place (in a letter in 1917), was in considerable error when he said that the Jews should have their own State.
It is apparent from their own religious texts that the Jews were condemned by their God to wander eternally in a state of dispossessed isolation. They were never meant to have their own country.
Furthermore, along similar lines, the so-called ‘Promised Land’ in literal translation refers to an area that is promised to ‘all good people’. Their faith is not mentioned.
For a Jew to say that God promised them that land is a falsehood – a truth based on their own teachings.
Since they did get their own country they have had cash poured into their coffers by successive generous American administrations.
They have been supported not only financially but also by the supply of arms to bolster their regime.
Israel has progressively been a thorn in the side of peace in the Middle East. Much of the ‘terrorism’ that has evolved in that area has been a direct result of the existence of Israel and their murderous policies towards Palestinians and anyone else who counters their ideas.
The UN has declared many sanctions against Israel, which can be confirmed by a quick trip to ‘Google’. Iraq had two. Iraq tried to comply with them but was invaded anyway. Israel has complied with… none.
“GENEVA, November 25, 2015 – The U.N. General Assembly’s 2015 session is adopting 20 resolutions singling out Israel for criticism — and only 3 resolutions on the rest of the world combined.
The three that do not concern Israel are: one on Syria, a regime that has murdered more than 200,000 of its own people, one on Iran, and one on North Korea.
Not a single UNGA resolution this year (70th session) is expected to be adopted on gross and systematic abuses committed by China, Cuba, Egypt, Pakistan, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Yemen, Zimbabwe, or on dozens of other perpetrators of gross and systematic human rights violations.”
From ‘UNWatch’

What does this say about Mr. Trump?
Apart from his unimaginably poor judgement in declaring that Jerusalem, a free city, is the Capital of Israel (something that the Israelis have been yearning for since time immemorial); insulting several Nations and their Leaders to the point where he is no longer popular in a few European Nations – including the United Kingdom, and showing a severe lack of tact and diplomacy in his dealings with North Korea he has done nothing to endear himself to anyone outside of the US. So not much change there, then, over many previous Presidents.
Internally he, like all those before him, has pandered to corporate businesses and the NRA, amongst others. The most recent round of tax breaks and the damage inflicted upon the health system (such as it was) has made him unpopular amongst the natives of the States.
Again, like all those before him, he has made no move to alleviate the suffering of the poor, the sick and the veterans of the military who gave life, blood, limbs and soul to carry out the wishes of the Corporate Empire.
In other words, as far as the rest of the World is concerned, Mr Trump is little different from those who preceded him in office. Just (to us) a little more dangerous.
A word to all those who are reviling him:
YOU put him in office. It was YOUR votes that got him elected. Do not blame the Russians unless you can present absolute proof and not some banal conspiracy theory.
THIS is the POTUS that YOU wanted and YOU got.
Flinging your hands in the air and saying that ‘someone should do something’ is as irrelevant as sending ‘thoughts and prayers’ to the families and friends of the thirty mass shootings, including the one in Florida on the 14th February, that have occurred in the US in 2018 alone**.
That ‘somebody who should do something’ is YOU. Instead of sending ‘thoughts and prayers’ to the homeless and the cast out veterans, that will not keep them warm nor fill their empty stomachs, DO something. Do something positive to solve the situation instead of carrying out mass murders and rioting.

YOU put him there – YOU solve it.


The Rest of The World*

*Or, at least, my part of it!

** This figure is from 'Facebook' so it is probably inaccurate!

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