Monday, March 12, 2018

Password Protected!

In the previous ‘Blog’ I wrote about technology and how our lives can all go sour when it fails – as it often does!
But it is not just technology, it is the facets of it – the offshoots, if you like, that are also a problem.
All of us now, apart from a few people no doubt, are busy with our computers, tablets, android ‘phones, etc., throughout much of the day. Apart from being disruptive to work and socialising there is another problem and that is: “The PASSWORD”!
Are you aware of how many programmes that you use on a daily basis are ‘password protected’?
Quite often you can, as I do, just ‘click’ on ‘keep me open’ so that you never have to go through the nausea of ‘signing in’ or ‘logging on’.
And then something happens over which you have no control. You go to our programme that you wish to use and it says ‘To enter please log in’!
It will prompt you. ‘Forgotten Password?’ It will send the information to your e-mail or SMS account. But which one? You have forgotten which account you signed in with in the first place.
Now what?
Over the past year I have been unable to write more ‘Blogs’. Why? Certainly not because I have nothing to rant about or any useful information or stories to pass on to you.
Because ‘Google’ has locked me out of my account.
I have tried any number of ways to re-enter the ‘Blog’ site but all to no avail.
Clearly, the only answer is to start all over again.
To read previous ‘Blogs’ you can still ‘Google’:
David S Leyman: The Write Stuff.
This will present a plethora of ‘Blogs’ to read.

My apologies for the long gap. “Please do not adjust your sets. Normal service will resume as soon as possible.”

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