Sunday, March 25, 2018

White Death

[This is not a reflection on the events in South Africa! That may come up as another subject later.]

Previously I mentioned that one of the things that is poisonous to your body is sugar. Specifically, white, refined sugar.
Other white foods are also not recommended; foods like white rice, white bread, potatoes.
All of these foods are processed and, usually, bleached. This process has removed anything useful from the food.

Let me give you an example.
Salt. We are told that salt is bad for you. So it is if it is white, refined, salt.
But, in reality, salt is extremely good for you but the refining process has taken away all the minerals that boost your health.
If you take Celtic Sea Salt or Himalayan Salt it is unrefined. It still contains those minerals that your body needs. This salt is good for you.

Speaking of the Himalayas, the water up in the high country there is ionised because it passes over gravel and rocks when it tumbled down the sides of mountains.
Visiting the high villages you may be offered a glass of slightly murky water. Do not thumb your nose at it – it is healthy, ionised and full of minerals that your body requires.

On a similar note, most baked goods now include bromide. This is a halogenic element used, as fellow aviation professionals will tell you, in fire extinguishers that we refer to as ‘Halon’. The problem with his is that the halides block the iodine receptors in the thyroid gland that will now lead to thyroid problems. In the old days bakers would have iodine in the baked goods.
Is iodine important? Oh, yes. A deficiency of iodine can cause problems:
“Iodine deficiency is a lack of the trace element iodine, an essential nutrient in the diet. It may result in a goitre, sometimes as an endemic goitre as well as cretinism due to untreated congenital hypothyroidism, which results in developmental delays and other health problems.
Symptoms of hypothyroidism – which can be related to low iodine levels or other forms of 'underactive' thyroid disease – include:
1.      Lethargy and tiredness, muscular weakness and constant fatigue.
2.      Feeling cold (even on warm days)
3.      Difficulty concentrating, slowed mental processes and poor memory.
4.      Unusual weight gain.
Iodine deficiency can lead to enlargement of the thyroid (goitre), hypothyroidism and to mental retardation in infants and children whose mothers were iodine deficient during pregnancy.”
How do you know if you are iodine efficient, which is common in these modern times? Paint a 2” square of iodine on your forearm. If it has one in 24 hours you are deficient.

Potassium. You need potassium to keep your heart beating and the rest of your muscles functioning. Most people tested were found to be potassium deficient (around 70% of those tested) of which nearly 30% were found to be seriously deficient and at serious risk of muscular/heart problems. How to get our potassium levels up? Easy. Eat a banana every day.

Tired all the time? Check your zinc and iron levels.

The primary problem is that we eat too much junk food. But junk is not food.
We are stuffing ourselves with processed, refined garbage that is doing us no good.
As a young boy I used to enjoy a raw carrot or raw beans from the garden, but our tastes have changed.
Now we crave sugar.
Soda drinks satisfy that craving but, between the acidity and the vast amounts of sugar in them, they are raining down the risk of cancer upon you.
Cancer is a lifestyle disease. It is NOT genetic. Cancer, diabetes, high blood pressure are all created by what we put in our mouths.

Your blood pH is around 7.4. The body will control that. If you blood pH decreases towards the acid levels the body will compensate by leaching alkalis out of your body to compensate leaving your body acidic – enter cancer. Because cancer loves acid!
How can you help yourselves? Stop drinking sodas, milkshakes and sugary drinks. Eat alkaline foods and drinks, then exercise! Just jumping up and down helps restore the lymph system.

And, by the way, cholesterol is good for you. It is the body’s repair kit.

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